20 Years Later: 9/11 Memorial Requires Special Invitation

The 9/11 memorial is ready for its 20th anniversary. 

Almost 3,000 names carved in bronze will ring out across the National Memorial Plaza. This time, it would be read aloud by family members… and it won’t be pre-recorded, unlike last year.

The Sunny State of California is also holding several memorials, here’s the list of places holding a memorial for 9/11 in the Los Angeles area:

  • Field of Glory in Azusa – Sept. 4-11
  • Sun Valley Magnet School in Sun Valley Sept. 8-11
  • Rose Hills Memorial Park 9/11 Field of Healing in Whittier – Sept. 8-19
  • Azusa Pacific University Military and Veteran Services 9/11 Tribute Ceremony in Azusa – Sept. 10
  • Pepperdine University in Malibu – Sept. 11

As always, we’ll also be having our yearly memorial in New York City.

However, this year’s 9/11 tribute has some restrictions. The memorial service will only be open to the families of the victims who were lost during the attack. 

They won’t invite first responders, survivors, and other people who regularly attended the event in the years past. Yes, it’s unfair for them and they deserve to be recognized or to show their pride in our countries fallen for defending our land…

In previous years, US senators, governors, and other dignitaries attended the memorial. Thousands have gathered at Ground Zero to pay homage to previous anniversaries… including firefighters, cops, EMS workers, and other first responders. They usually join family members in the audience.

Yes, first responders were always welcomed in the past years. But restrictions to 9/11 heroes did happen a few times… even without the global onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When the memorial plaza opened in 2011 for the 10th anniversary of the tragedy, the city also restricted attendance. They said that there was no room for firefighters, cops, and other first responders at the ceremony where Obama attended.

In 2016, dozens of 9/11 firefighters were angry. They were denied entry at Ground Zero, while some dem politicians like Hillary Clinton got to attend the 15th annual memorial ceremony with ease.

This wasn’t the first time our 9/11 first responders were taken for granted…

The 9/11 Memorial and Museum sent the invitations to the relatives of the victims. The letter for this year says, “The ceremony will be exclusively for 9/11 family members.”

These invitations will serve as the “credential for admittance to the ceremony.” Attendees are expected to go near the two memorial pools rimmed with the inscribed name of their deceased loved ones.

Memorial spokeswoman Lee Cochran was vocal about the new restrictions. She said, “Only family members are invited. The invited family members can bring as many additional family-member guests as they’d like.”

It’s sad to say that this year’s memorial went from “never forget” to “forget about the 9/11 heroes.” 

Survivors and those who proudly serve our country today should be allowed the same right and honor to pay their respects to those before them. 

Sally Regenhard is a mother of a firefighter who was killed on 9/11. She shared her thoughts with these new restrictions, “People in the uniformed services consider the people they work with as brothers and sisters — they’re a family. They should make an effort to have every single first responder who would like to attend [and] go. It should be open to all of them, especially those who answered the call of duty on 9/11.”

CEO of the Tunnel Towers Foundations Franks Siller thinks that first-responders and survivors shouldn’t be turned away for the memorial. He also had a firefighter brother who was killed on 9/11.

He said, “Just because it’s 20 years later doesn’t mean you‘re completely healed. They want to pay their respects and honor their heroes. “

The real heroes of 9/11 are not getting the credit they deserve. Are the twisted dems behind this as well?

These first responders should be given equal rights. They deserve better and consistent treatment in the memorials…

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4 Thoughts to “20 Years Later: 9/11 Memorial Requires Special Invitation”

  1. Neal Masteller

    It seems there are always restrictions against patriots when Democrats are in office. Get the picture yet???

  2. Dolores

    All the first responders should have ben invited. they risk their lives to help.

  3. Dawnmarie Galluppi

    Absolutely there should be only 9/11 family there and no one else not even this president and the Dems should be invited I 100 % agree God bless them all 🙏❤️🇱🇷

  4. Beverly Poirier


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