Dems Rob their Own Party

What’s worse than a bad loser?

It’s the classic story with democrats… the second something doesn’t go their way, they decide to throw a tantrum. 

In a truly embarrassing story, dems in Nevada decided to take their ball and go home, pocketing hundreds of thousands along the way:

Earlier this month, the Nevada branch of the democrat party voted on their new chair. The details don’t really matter, but the mainstream party, the Biden fans, lost crushingly.

Now, this happens. It happens a lot… enough that no one should be surprised. There’s a normal, mature thing to do when it happens… you say ‘OK, our guy lost, let’s keep working until we get another chance’. 

But this is the democrats we’re talking about. 

Instead of gritting their teeth and carrying on like adults, every single party employee quit immediately – after emptying the party’s treasure chest, sending almost half a million dollars to their allies in a different branch of the party.

Like I said, the details don’t really matter… it’s dems versus dems, not anything truly important.

But the story shows just how truly hypocritical the party is. While Joe Biden whines about President Trump not leaving him a perfect blank slate to work from, he says absolutely nothing about his allies doing literally everything in their power to ruin everything for the people replacing them. 

In fact, the hypocrisy goes even further than that. 

The quitting Nevada dems claimed that they didn’t want to see someone throw away all their work and damage the state party. Sure, if they were just quitting, that might make sense…

But you just can’t pretend that you’re trying to help out when you rob the place of every penny you can reach on your way out. 

It’s just total cowardice… like I said, the classic dem story. 

Either way, don’t expect to see another dem win in Nevada any time soon… there’s no way they’ll ever be able to take in enough money to make up the missing half-million.

Congratulations again to Joe Biden’s allies for causing yet another loss for the dems!

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