Biden May Owe Up to $500,000 in Back Taxes

A few months ago, Biden encouraged Americans to pay their fair share of taxes. Now, that demo-rat is said to owe hundreds of thousands in back taxes. What a hypocrite…

According to a Congressional Research Service report, Biden may have improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes… even before he took office. It’s suspected that he could owe the IRS up to $500,000.

Chair of the conservative Republican Study Committee, Jim Banks, further exposed Biden. He said, “Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $2.1 trillion while claiming the rich need to pay their ‘fair share.’ But in 2017, multi-millionaire Joe Biden skirted his payroll taxes… the same taxes that fund Medicare and Obamacare.”

Then he added, “According to the criteria CRS provided to my office… he owes the IRS and the American people hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes. Every American should know about Joe Biden’s tax hypocrisy.”

Banks also mentioned that the report indicated that Biden improperly used “S corporations.” The liberal used it when he and his wife – Jill Biden – raked in over $13 million on speaking fees and book sales in 2017 and 2018.”

Another patriot leader exposes Biden’s possible agenda…

Chris Jacobs – a veteran of GOP offices on Capitol Hill who closely tracks the issue – shared his thoughts. He said, “Joe Biden wants to expand the IRS’s funding and authority so that they can audit more Americans. Given that the liberal Tax Policy Center and the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service both have raised questions about the way Biden handled his taxes… why doesn’t he ask for his taxes to be audited first?”

Then he added, “Biden doesn’t believe in expanding programs like Medicare and ObamaCare because he thought buying a second multimillion-dollar mansion, and renting a third, was more important than helping to fund those laws.”

Now it’s getting harder to believe every word that Biden says. This dem is contradicting his own words… and he never fails to disappoint us.

Unsurprisingly, the White House insisted that Biden did nothing wrong. They said, “The salaries earned by the Bidens are reasonable and were determined in good faith… considering the nature of the entities and the services they performed.” Then they added, “[It is a] common method for taxpayers who have outside sources of income to consolidate their earnings and expenses.”

The White House is defending Biden the same way they covered his son’s misdeeds. They continuously coddle these demo-rats in power… and help them get away with anything. It’s a terrible sight to behold.

But on the bright side… it’s still a good thing that some of our patriots continue to fight for what’s right. They’re doing everything in their power to expose Biden’s incompetence and hypocrisy. This puppet needs to be replaced as soon as possible… so we can make America great again.

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2 Thoughts to “Biden May Owe Up to $500,000 in Back Taxes”

  1. Fred LeMaster

    Say Mr. Or Ms. Or Mrs. USIRS, Since You Are Going To Illegally Be Auditing We The Legal Citizens/People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA’s Taxes, How About Going To Do Some More Auditing, I Mean With A Fine Tooth Comb Or A Hair Brush, How About Going Even Deeper, Concerning The Whole Infamously Filthy Rich WOKE Communistic Socialistic Progressive Liberal Democratic Donkey Party, The Whole Illegally Labeled FAKE And WOKE Conservative Repub. Party = RINO’s, Who Start Their Race Making A Bunch Of Promises, But As Soon As They Are/Were Elected, Yes, The Ones That Break All Of Those Promises That They Made During Their Political Race to The US House Of Representatives And Senate Side Of The US Government, Even And Also To Become The US President And Veeeeep = Vice President! All Because These So-Called Legal Americans LOVE Committing All Of The Anti-US Constitutional Actions And LOVE To Lay All Of The Blame On The True Conservative Republican Party, Because The Whole Left Side Of The US Political Equation Always Wanted To Lose The American Revolution (Back In 1776 AD) To Those Anti-Representative British Government! These Far Lefties In The US Government Of Today, Always Wanted A Government That Modeled Toward The British Type Of Government = The United Kingdoms Type Of Government = THE SINCERE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. teresa

    ‘The puppet’ as you call him must be removed; before you remove you must first remove Kamala & Pelosi & then Biden

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