Biden and the Mainstream Media Were Wrong About the Stock Market…

The month of September was a disaster in the US Stock market. Prices moved lower on Wall Street as the major indexes headed steep monthly losses: 

  • The S&P 500 fell 0.8%
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.3%
  • The Nasdaq fell 0.2%

Several banks and companies posted some of the most significant losses for the year. As a result, almost 80% of stocks in the benchmark S&P fell.

All these crashes in the stock market prove that the mainstream media was wrong all along. Even so, they kept insisting that the stock market would do good under Biden’s leadership.

“The stock market has gone up exponentially since I’ve been president. Yet, you haven’t heard me say [a] word about it.” This is what Biden said a few months ago… as the demo-rat mocks President Trump’s comments about the stock market.

But could Biden say all this again after the recent September crash?

Lindsey Bell, the chief investment strategist at Ally Invest, mentioned that investors might see a downward trend in stock prices around August to September. 

She said, “There are some question marks. I think we’re going to get that volatility that’s historically expected… So I think the remainder of the third quarter could be a little bit rocky.”  It contradicts the mainstream media’s statement of stock prices being fine under Biden.  

There are several reasons why the stock market is projected to crash during the coming months…

First, we have the trillion-dollar spending plan of Biden and the dems. The cost of Biden’s infrastructure projects alone is projected to push federal spending to its “highest sustained levels” since World War II. And that reason is enough to believe that the stock market is also in danger under Biden’s rule.

Let’s also not forget about how Harris spent $25 million in federal funds just to manipulate voting restrictions. It’s a desperate attempt of the dems to get the upper hand during elections… and it costs a lot of money.

Second, our administration is clueless about how our economy works. Last September, meat prices increased drastically. The Biden administration immediately blamed the meat industry without checking the facts.

Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro exposed the administration with their false accusation. With his decades of experience in economics… he clarified that the price increase was “not the meat industry’s fault.” But instead was a combination of “external factors” affecting the supply and demand such as:

  • Labor force
  • Weather conditions
  • Our relationship with China
  • Swine Flu
  • Incompetent economic officials

Our supposed leaders are shamelessly spending federal funds to suit their own agenda. To make it worse, we’re talking about America’s so-called “president and vice president”. 

Many other liberals seated in power also don’t know anything about how our economy works.

Yes, stock prices may still go up in October, but we can’t be sure of how long they will stay up… especially with the terrible state of the administration we have now.

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