Here’s What You Need to Know About the Texas Abortion Law

The Texas Abortion Law bans any form of pregnancy termination… after approximately six weeks of gestation. Right now, the law is in effect. It also allows private citizens to sue anyone who helps a woman get an abortion.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot supports the law with all his heart. He said, “Our creator endowed us with the right to life. Yet millions of children lose their right to life every year because of abortion.”

Abbott believes that this law can save the lives of thousands of unborn babies…

However, many believe that this law limits the availability of abortion services in Texas. Despite the opposition, the Supreme Court still refuses to block the Texas Abortion Law in the state. This made the Justice Department take swift action to fight it in court and file a suit.

The Justice Department is doing everything in its power to preserve women’s rights. In their lawsuit, they say that the Texas Abortion Law:

  • Denies the right to seek abortion
  • Deprives the federal government of the right to enforce it
  • Blocks delivery of federal health care

Attorney General Merrick Garland represented the Justice Department in a press conference. He shared his thoughts on why the Supreme Court is doing such a terrible thing.

Garland said, “Today, after a careful assessment of the facts of the law, the Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas. Our position is set out in detail in our complaint… The act is unconstitutional under long-standing Supreme Court precedent. “

Then he added, “This kind of scheme to nullify the Constitution of the United States is one that all Americans… whatever their politics or party, should fear. It may become a model for action in other areas, by other states,… and concerning other constitutional rights and judicial precedents. We all need to think long or hard to realize the damage that would be done to our society.”

Garland believes that the Texas Abortion law will only harm human rights. However, legal experts say that fighting the Supreme Court won’t be easy.

University of Texas School of Law Professor Steve Vladeck shared his thoughts on why this is going to be a long battle. He said, “The question is whether in order of blocking the state from doing anything to enforce SB 8 will block private parties from enforcing SB 8… and will also block copycat lawsuits by other anti-abortion advocates. That’s the tricky part here.”

This November, NPR states that the Texas Abortion Law is harming survivors of rape and incest

A social worker who worked with sexual assault survivors, Monica Faulkner, shared her thoughts. She believes that not having the option of terminating a pregnancy makes recovering from an assault harder.

“The impact of finally coming forward and then being told there are no options for you is devastating,” says Faulkner.

Although abortion is legal in most states, Abbott believes this law can save lives. On the other hand, all those who oppose the law firmly believe that this law is harmful, especially for rape victims.

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