Title 42 Removal Will Lead to a Migrant Surge

Alejandro Mayorkas Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, USA / World Travel & Tourism Council / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

The Biden administration has been a disaster when it comes to immigration. Their inability to deal with this issue is one of America’s worst failures.

Our country has been struggling to fix our borders since Biden took office. The immigration crisis is getting worse as time goes on. Despite the great start that President Trump left behind for Biden… the demo-rat still didn’t take his advocacy seriously. 

Biden’s pride stops him from continuing President Trump’s work on the border. Now, he plans to make the situation on the border worse by removing Title 42.

Biden to Remove Title 42

Title 42 is a  border restriction policy put into place by the Trump administration in the early stages of the pandemic. It secures the border and keeps illegal migrants from coming to the country.

The Biden administration plans to end Title 42 in the last week of May. The decision faces heavy criticism from both Republicans and Democrats. It will likely lead to a surge of migrants at the border. 

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas knows the consequence of the administration’s decision… yet he’s eager to support Biden’s plan. He also knows that around 18,000 migrants will cross the southern border once the policy is lifted.

Mayorkas said, “Title 42 is a public health authority. So what we started to do in September of last year was prepare for its end… We’re not projecting 18,000, but what we do in the department is we plan for different scenarios, so we’re ready for anything.”

The hypocrite even tried to assure that they could manage the possible migrant surge. He added, “That is why the plan we have prepared calls for a number of different actions, not just in the domestic arena but also with our partners in the south.”

However, we’re all fed up with Mayorkas’ empty promises of creating a better border. A recent CNN poll said 74% of Americans believe the Biden administration won’t be able to handle the expected migrant surge. 

Moderate Dems Not Impressed with Biden’s Move

So far, moderate Democrats are not impressed with what they’re seeing. 

Kyrsten Sinema is a straight Democrat who opposes Biden’s build-back better plan. She’s also vocal in sharing her disbelief about removing Title 42.

Sinema admits that she isn’t satisfied with the DHS and the administration’s decision… because they aren’t sharing enough operational details. She said, “I have not heard the detail. I need to be confident in the government’s plan. In order to meet this moment, DHS needs to be able to share operational details regarding how they plan to move migrants through the processing system in a manner that will keep Arizona communities safe and treat migrants fairly and humanely.”

Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly also mentioned that he isn’t confident with Biden and Mayorkas’ plans for the border. He said, “I’ve read it. I’ve got more questions about how and when additional resources will hit the ground. I have been raising the need for comprehensive planning on the border since early last year.” 

The Biden administration and the DHS have addressed the border problems with pure incompetence. They just turn a deaf ear to the pleas of U.S. citizens. As we were told before, elections have consequences… and this immigration problem is one of them.

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