CDC and White House Ease COVID Restrictions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the White House are loosening restrictions on COVID-19 protocols… CDC Relaxes COVID Restrictions for International Travelers The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently made changes to the COVID-19 guidelines for international travelers… providing some relief and flexibility. These adjustments aim to ease travel while ensuring public safety. First, the CDC has updated its recommendations about COVID-19 testing. This would apply to vaccinated individuals.  Fully vaccinated travelers, which means those who have received both doses of the vaccine and…

CDC Votes to Add Covid-19 Vaccine to Immunization Schedules for Children  and Adults

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to approve the CDC’s new recommended immunization schedules. Specifically for adults and children for 2023.  The vote was unanimous, with 15 in favor and none against it. Moreover, the recommended schedule advises children to start getting doses of the Covid-19 vaccine when they are six months old. CDC Wants to Vaccinate More Children and Adults, Patriot Leaders Not Impressed A spokesperson from CDC told Fox News that regardless of how the ACIP votes, their decision…

New CDC Advisory Forces Vaccination on Pregnant Women

In a new COVID-19 alert, the CDC called for “urgent action to vaccinate pregnant women.”  The advisory stressed that the vaccines are safe and effective in pregnancy. They also insist that pregnant women “are at increased risk for severe illness.” “Pregnancy can be both a special time and also a stressful time. Pregnancy during a pandemic is an added concern for families. I strongly encourage those who are pregnant or considering pregnancy to talk with their healthcare provider… about the protective benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine… to keep their babies…

White House Concerns Spark NDAA Debate

The White House expressed concerns regarding the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amid ongoing discussions in the House of Representatives… The NDAA determines the annual budget for US defense operations. It is crucial for the country’s security and military readiness. White House Raises Concerns Over NDAA Amid Bipartisan Debate  The White House’s concerns center around the proposed defense spending levels. Biden’s advisors are convincing lawmakers to be wart about overextending the budget.  Despite the ongoing debate in the House, Democrats and Republicans have varying viewpoints on how much should be…

House Passes Bill to Release Classified COVID-19 Origin Info

Former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield testified during a House hearing on the origins of COVID-19. He revealed that he was excluded from calls between global health experts. The director argued that Dr. Anthony Fauci acted “antithetical to science” when he rejected the lab leak theory discussion. The committee searches for answers on the pandemic origins. They also assess claims Dr. Fauci was part of a “cover-up.”  Dr. Fauci Covers COVID Origins Meanwhile, Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain argued that Fauci’s actions surrounding the pandemic origins were “covering…