Alejandro Mayorkas Prioritizes Power Over Border Security

Alejandro Mayorkas, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, needs to put more effort into our borders. 

Instead, he is more focused on keeping his position of power. Because of his lack of action, the border situation continues to worsen.

Mayorkas Lies About the Border and Wants to Maintain Power 

Mayorkas has stated that the number of encounters at the border with individuals from certain “targeted countries” has decreased significantly in the past two weeks… following the DHS’ announced measures to address the ongoing border crisis. 

The DHS has been criticized for the handling this crisis… leading to calls for Mayorkas’ resignation and impeachment. However, he has resisted these calls and is prepared for potential investigations. The number of migrant encounters at the border hit an all-time high of over 250,000 in December. It broke the previous record set in May 2022.

Moreover, the demo-rat has stated that he will not resign over handling the border crisis. Mayorkas is more interested in maintaining his power instead of fixing the borders. 

During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Mayorkas was asked by anchor George Stephanopoulos… to respond to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s call for him to resign and whether he has any intention of doing so. 

The DHS Secretary replied, “I do not. I’ve got a lot of work to do, and we’re going to do it.” 

Mayorkas has faced criticism for his handling of the border crisis. The morale of border patrol agents has also been decreasing because of his leadership. 

The Biden administration has seen a spike in the number of migrants at the border… with over 1.7 million encounters in FY 2021 and 2.3 million encounters in FY 2022. 

House Republicans, Heritage Foundation Wants Mayorkas to be Impeached

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank. They released a report arguing that Mayorkas has violated his oath of office and should be impeached. The report claims that Mayorkas has: 

  • Defied and contravened immigration laws
  • Abused his power by encouraging illegal immigration 
  • Betrayed the trust of the American people by lying about the border crisis

The report also highlights the rise of illegal immigration since Mayorkas took office. It argues that he’s responsible for the border and immigration crisis. The report’s authors say that Mayorkas deserves to be impeached, removed from office, and disqualified from holding any other office in the US…

Moreover, the House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on the current situation at the southern US border… with the testimony of chief patrol agents dealing with the crisis daily. 

The hearing takes place as Republicans, who control the committee, are increasing pressure on Mayorkas for impeachment. The reasons cited include Mayorkas’ refusal to complete the border wall construction and insufficient staffing… which have contributed to increased drug trafficking. 

Chief Patrol Agents Gloria Chavez and John Modlin will testify at the hearing. So far, Mayorkas has resisted calls for his impeachment.

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  1. […] of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced tough questions from Senate Republicans about border security and exploiting migrant children […]

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