Amazon Prime or Amazon Crime?

First, Amazon invaded our personal privacy with “Amazon Sidewalk” by allowing strangers to connect to our networked devices… risking our sensitive data. Now, they want a key to your apartment building with their newest feature “Amazon Key.” They’re endangering both our privacy and personal belongings…

Amazon Key is an in-home delivery service. It allows authorized shippers to access an Amazon Prime customer’s home apartment. The purpose of this service is to prevent packages from being stolen.

But in reality, this just puts Prime users at a higher risk for crime…

This greedy company has no intention of respecting our boundaries. We’ve known Big Tech companies are a major threat to our fellow patriot’s privacy… but this is getting out of hand.

They’re abusing their power by pushing landowners with financial incentives. The company wants to permit its drivers to unlock apartment-building doors.

Who are the delivery drivers that will be allowed to go into strangers’ homes? Will Amazon conduct thorough background checks? What’s to stop an employee from stealing inside someone’s home, or worse?

We are now a society of people who have become comfortable with losing our privacy and security a little at a time until we live completely under the watchful eyes of the government…

Some mainstream media news like the Washington Post builds up Amazon Key to be reliable. But remember, Jeff Bezos owns this company now… so it’s most likely biased, fabricated news to fit the narrative.

Cybersecurity expert John Caleo shared his unbiased opinion on Amazon Key’s security flaws. He said, “If it is digital, it is hackable.” 

He and his team did some tests in the app and found security flaws after trying the product for three weeks. 

Rhino Security Labs, a top penetration testing company, also did its own tests. They performed a few basic hacking practices called a “Wi-Fi de-authentication attack.” It’s a single programming command that makes your door freeze in-camera… making it look like it’s not trespassed by anyone. A burglar with some hacking skills can go inside your home apartment with ease.

Rhino CEO Benjamin Caudill said, “By being able to disable this camera, we’re essentially reducing that security [less than] just providing a physical key to your home.”

Ashkan Soltani, a privacy researcher who was a senior tech advisor to Obama, said, “You’re essentially introducing a foreign internet-connected device into an otherwise internal network.” Any device connected to the internet could be hacked, including the Amazon one. Criminals can unlock your doors, and you won’t know it right away.

The actual robbery is that you PAY Amazon a fee of $7/month or $69/year just for you to lose your home apartment, belongings, and personal privacy. You’re making Jeff Bezos richer while risking your own safety.

President Trump has all the right to hate Jeff Bezos…

Amazon creates a monopoly while screwing over small business owners who sell through the platform. They aren’t favorable to many of the middle-class merchants who want to work with them.

If the company can sell a similar product, they will cut off these small business owners or block their accounts.. so they won’t be able to compete over the platform’s prices. 

President Trump is a reasonable pro-entrepreneur, while Bezos is not.

Bezos was abusing his power when he bought the Washington Post. He uses it as a tool to influence elections so he can avoid paying taxes and continue his “libertarian” approach on the Internet. 

He also uses them to ruin the image of President Trump, and anyone who is posed against him and his tyranny…

This just proves that Big Tech companies like Amazon don’t deserve our money. They’re willing to use their resources to take away our privacy, stifle small business owners, and publish unreliable news about our president.

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5 Thoughts to “Amazon Prime or Amazon Crime?”

  1. Donald Cook

    Don’t trust Amazon, I have had my Bank account, Hacked and money stolen Two Times and both times it was right after I purchased something from Amazon. I have not ever had that done before. It is a real headache to have your bank account Hacked and frozen. DON’T trust Amazon.

  2. moon

    no body is allowed in my home without our permission. They may be shot for breaking and entering. Anyone who gives a stranger a key to there house deserves what they get.

  3. Ted

    My house is always locked, even when I’m home. You’ll have to break in unless I let you in and then the meat wagon will take you away.

  4. Ted

    Amazon stuck me for their music membership that I didn’t order, caught it and canceled but still got charged for 1 month and they make it so difficult to contact anyone to get your money back it’s not worth the time for 8.99.

  5. […] enrolled customers’ accounts in its Amazon Prime subscription without their […]

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