American Education is Brainwashing Your Children!

America’s students are being subjected to a new curriculum designed to brainwash them with ridiculous leftist propaganda known as ‘critical race theory’… 

It’s completely antithetical to everything that normal Americans of any color would teach their children, and yet it’s being introduced to school districts across the country like it’s some kind of radical movement. 

But thats exactly what it is, a movement from the radical left to teach our children that they are inherently at fault for this counties racial problems. 

Critical race theory – as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica – is a concept in which race is a socially constructed category ingrained in American law intended to maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites. It holds that the US society is inherently or systematically racist.  

The Biden administration proposed a progressive plan, involving drastic changes to this countries education system to include a critical race theory-inspired curriculum.

This plan does nothing but “[indoctrinate] America’s schoolchildren with some of the most toxic and anti-American theories ever conceived,” said Trump in an opinion piece. 

Critical race theory is changing the conversation of racism for the worst, by turning racial groups against each other and blaming them for all of America’s wrongdoings…

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill that would ban any federal funding to institutions that would teach critical race theory, saying that “the federal government has no right to force a political agenda onto Americans, especially one that aims to tear down our institutions and divide us based on race.”

Instead, their goal is to turn everyone against each other, so that amidst the confusion, they can grab ahold of us and practice complete control… that’s not a democracy.  

The education system is going to crumble and fall if we allow the radical left to continue brainwashing America’s children with the idea that THEY are the ones to blame for this countries racial problems.  

“Instead of helping young people discover that America is the greatest, most tolerant, and most generous nation in history, it teaches them that America is systematically evil and that the hearts of our people are full of hatred and malice”

What are we teaching our children… because it’s not the greatness that America has achieved or the patriotism that they should have as US citizens…

Rather, they are being told to deny themselves the independence and freedom that is the foundation of American pride, how unpatriotic. 

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2 Thoughts to “American Education is Brainwashing Your Children!”

  1. BW

    Anyone who supports CRT is the most avid RACIEST in our society. For those who have not studied CRT would be surprised to know that much of CRT is to destroy all of the progress that has been made to eliminate racism in the United States over the last fifty (50) to one hundred (100) years and that progress has been extremely productive in creating equality among all races!
    Those who are pushing the CRT in our schools, military and business have one goal in mind and that is for TOTAL CONTROL and create a two tier society, THE ELITES and THE SUBJECTS (SLAVES)!
    In my opinion this type of control has been establish by Marxist, Communist, Stalinist COUNTRIES (i.e. – China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc.). If you want to become a SLAVE then support CRT. If you want to lose your FREEDOMS support CRT.

  2. David Neenan

    NO TO CRT!! Democrats are the party of hate AMERICA and the party of power mongers! Republicans are the party of hope, freedom, fairness and the American way. CREEPY JOE YOU HAVE TO GO.

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