Are The Dems Using Covid Mandates For Political Power?

MTA Officials Join “Mask Force” Distributing Masks Across Subway and Bus System / Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit / Flickr / Taken on July 23, 2020 / (CC BY 2.0)

While Biden is still avoiding any decisions to lift government COVID-19 mandates, the November midterm elections are looming on the horizon, and the dems are looking for any opportunity to turn them in their favor. 

Governors of several dem-led East Coast states have decided to drop almost all their mask mandates – including those in schools.

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont is one of them, “We worked on this together as governors throughout the region,” Lamont told CNBC’s Squawk Box. “We thought this is a good time.”

New Jersey, Delaware, and Massachusetts also made similar announcements to end mask mandates in schools, making a total of eight dem-led states either to lift the mandates completely or make a plan to do so.

Covid cases are dropping 70% over the past two weeks in Connecticut and in many others such as New Jersey, Delaware, and Massachusetts where cases decreased by 71%.

“Our infection rates are back to low, hospitalizations are way down,” said Lamont. “Most importantly, people have the ability to keep themselves safe now.”

However, things are looking a little different for the state of New York. Gov., Kathy Hochul dropped New Yorks’s “mask or vax” mandate last week but kept the mandates in place for schools.

“Adults can make their own decision… children still need adults to look out for their health,” Hochul said in regards to her decision. “This is all about looking out for the health of our children.”

“At this time, we say that it’s the right decision to lift [other mandates] for indoor businesses and let counties, cities, and businesses make their own decisions on what they want to do with respect to [the] mask or vaccination requirement,” she said.

Republican Congress members from New York were quick to slam Hochul’s hypocrisy, arguing that children were the least vulnerable to COVID.

Rep. Lee Zeldin R. Long Island is challenging Hochul for governor this year. “It’s pretty sick that Kathy Hochul still isn’t lifting her statewide mask mandate on kids in school as young as 2-years-old,” she said in response to Hochul’s announcement. 

“Her power trip never ends, and while her illegal mask mandate on adults is now ending, she remains hell-bent on totally controlling the lives of our children.”

Upstate Rep. Elise Stefanik has also called out Hochul’s politically motivated decision. “It is past time for these authoritarian mandates to end, but to Kathy Hochul, this is clearly about politics, not New York families.”

With this whirlwind of liberal states making sudden changes to their mandates, one can’t help but wonder if there is some kind of hidden motive behind these looser restrictions…

Our patriot leaders have noticed something fishy happening, and are beginning to question what kinds of schemes the dems are cooking up. 

Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., called out the dem states for making politically favorable moves, “I’d love to see whatever internal polling went around the Democrat Party last week — it’s certainly no coincidence that Democrat-run states are dropping mandates as fast as they can,” he told the Daily Mail. 

“It’s not the science, I promise you,” Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, said in an interview with KTSA radio in San Antonio. “It’s the political winds. Democrats are seeing that the American people are fed up; they’ve been fed up. Now they’re starting to see how much damage that’s going to cause them, likely, in November.”

Moving into the spring and summer, it’s expected that there will be a continued drop in Covid cases, although, with the spread of Omicron, we can’t be too sure what’s in store in the upcoming months. 

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