Michael Flynn Deserved A Pardon – Here’s Why

If you turned on the news over Thanksgiving, you’ll have heard about the latest pardons issued by President Trump. It wasn’t just the traditional Thanksgiving turkey pardon – Trump gave a complete pardon to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, following the planned dropping of charges he’d previously pled guilty to. Despite the rage this move inspired in the liberal media, the fact is that Flynn’s pardon is completely deserved – here’s why. First of all, some background. Infamously, Flynn was the only person convicted after the years of baseless…

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Why Fox is Failing Patriots

When President Trump tweeted that ‘Fox has been completely unfair and untruthful’, many were taken by surprise. They shouldn’t have been. While Fox News claims to be against the mainstream media, they’re actually part of one of the single biggest media companies in the world… and now they’re turning against Trump. Even though Fox likes to portray itself as an independent, anti-mainstream media source, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more mainstream kind of news company… You see, Fox News is entirely the property of Rupert Murdoch, a media mogul…

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Twitter CEO – Sorry for Censoring the Truth

When Twitter decided to completely block patriots from sharing an article about Hunter Biden’s bizarre drug-led sex life, they thought they’d get away with it. For once, they were wrong. The Senate Judiciary Committee demanded answers – and apologies. Twitter’s absurd defence needs to be seen to be believed… time to get the full story. According to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, the story was spiked because… get this: Twitter doesn’t want people to post stories based on ‘hacked’ information. How ridiculous is that? Right now, you can go on Twitter…

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House Disaster As Pelosi Re-Elected

Terrible news for patriots – Nancy Pelosi, the worst speaker of the house in recent memory, has been re-elected as speaker. Despite the very real concerns about her age, health, and – oh yeah – how terrible she is in her role, Dems forced Pelosi back in. Here’s how it happened – and why her reappointment spells disaster for average American patriots. Just a month ago, Pelosi refused to accept a $1.8 Trillion stimulus authored by President Trump, despite Dems begging her to do the right thing and help Americans.…

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California Lockdown Chaos

Do the rules apply to everyone, or just to you? According to California’s dem governor, Gavin Newsom, it’s just the average American who has to hide inside – it’s just fine for big name dems to do whatever they want. Just a few days ago, Newsom broke one of his biggest COVID rules – in the most typical dem way possible. Here’s the full story: While insisting that people stay indoors wherever possible, Gavin Newsom decided that a lobbyist’s birthday party was important enough to ignore every single bit of…

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