Church, couch, couple: Social psychological connections between people and physical space

Societies and people have reshaped the world many times over. From building cities and communities that live within them to the smaller changes in a person’s home or place of worship, people influence their space. Benjamin Meagher, a social psychologist at Hope College, argues that the space people shape, also shapes the individual and that social psychology must take an “ecological” view of people in their environment. His work appears in a recently published paper in Personality and Social Psychology Review. Being in a certain location dramatically constrains or facilitates certain…

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Why You Only Need a Computer and an Internet Connection to Start Investing

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner and finance pro Jeff Rose explains why using a traditional bank to open a Roth IRA might be a bad idea. He says that you don’t need to go to a bank to start investing when online resources available can help. Rose comments that many people like to use tools like Betterment, Wealthfront and Robinhood to invest using just a computer and an internet connection. It’s important that you’re confident about where your money is going and the advice you take is coming from a reliable source.…

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Dawn-to-sunset fasting suggests potential new treatment for obesity-related conditions

Fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 days increased levels of proteins that play a crucial role in improving insulin resistance and protecting against the risks from a high-fat, high-sugar diet, according to research presented at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019. The study, which was based on the fasting practices of Ramadan, a spiritual practice for Muslims, offers a potential new treatment approach for obesity-related conditions, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). “According to World Health Organization data, obesity affects over 650 million people worldwide, placing…

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If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you’re probably no stranger to being extra careful when choosing your skin-care products, especially when it comes to moisturizers. While these hydrating formulas are must-haves in every routine, sometimes they create excess oil in and of themselves, which is why using a non-comedogenic moisturizer is key. We spoke to Dr. Michele Farber, MD, of Schweiger Dermatology in NYC about exactly why this is the case.   What Is a Non-Comedogenic Moisturizer? Dr. Farber defines a non-comedogenic moisturizer as one that will not clog your pores. “In general, this…

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