Pelosi Called Kevin McCarthy a “Moron” Over House Mask Mandate Criticism

Dem House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disrespects Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for voicing his objection to the return of the forceful mask mandates on Capitol Hill… Dr. Brian Monohan is Congress’s top doctor. He issued a memo a few months ago that announced the policy change based on new guidance from the CDC. It implied that all  Americans should wear masks indoors, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. “For the Congress, representing a collection of individuals traveling weekly from various risk areas (both high and low rates of disease transmission), all…

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“Technological Decoupling” with China Won’t Be That Easy

Our country’s relationship with China is getting worse. We’ve seen how the administration blamed China for our country’s cybersecurity issues, and how we challenged their human rights abuses.  The US and China continuously fail to cooperate in making solutions for climate change, and the rumors about the Chinese military’s preparations for war become more real as news of more than a hundred missile silos surfaced in August. The two countries continue to drift apart when it comes to the race towards advanced technology… There’s a big chance that the US…

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Border Patrol Agents in Del Rio Hit Migrants With Whips, Dems Outraged

Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas have been sent to desk duty after photos went viral of them using their “Whips” while on horseback to block Haitian migrants from entering the U.S.  It has become a massive dem controversy over whether the claims were false; the photographer behind the images said the pictures he took are being misconstrued and he never saw anyone being whipped, despite what the liberals are saying.  Major dem leaders and the liberal media are up in arms against these photos, claiming that they show…

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Pentagon Denies that any Military dogs were left in Afghanistan

This past weekend, photos circulated on social media that appeared to show several contracted military working dogs in cages at the Kabul airport. Since this has come to light, the Pentagon has denied all reports that they left U.S. Military service K-9s in Afghanistan after the last troop withdrawal.  DOD spokesman John Kirby said “To correct erroneous reports, the U.S. Military did not leave any dogs in cages at Hamid Karzai International Airport, including the reported military working dogs,” in a Tuesday statement. “Photos circulating online were animals under the…

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Pelosi Up to No Good: Warns Lawmakers Not to Travel to Afghanistan

We’ve seen the unfortunate crisis in Afghanistan unfolding in the mainstream since it began a few months ago. The Biden administration likes to pretend nothing is wrong when it’s clear as day that it’s just one wrong move after another.   Now, the twisted dems are once again manipulating the truth to their advantage. They’re covering up for something that they don’t want us to know… White House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned lawmakers not to visit Afghanistan… after at least 12 US service members and dozens of civilians were killed during…

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