Biden Blames Putin for the Soaring Inflation

Just Click’s With A Camera / Russia Has Become A Terrorist State / Flickr / March 17, 2022 / No Copyright

The Russia-Ukraine war continues… alongside the inflation happening in our country. Despite all this, the Biden administration continues to be incompetent.

As the year started, we felt consumer prices go up by 7%. It’s the fastest increase America has experienced in 40 years. 

But it looks like there’s more from where that came from. A few weeks ago, we also saw oil prices go up… leading to a 12% increase as of this March.

It’s not just because of the war and the inflation we’re experiencing that our country continues to suffer. It’s also because the most terrible administration in history is leading this country today.

The Biden Administration Destroys US with War on Oil and Gas

During President Trump’s last year in office, the US was energy independent for the first time in decades. Our country was even exporting oil and gas.

Unfortunately, the exact opposite is happening right now with the Biden administration…

This March, Biden announced the US would stop buying Russian oil amid the war in Ukraine. He even warned Americans that this action would raise gas prices… and we felt it in no time. 

Biden Blames Putin for the Soaring Inflation

Last December, Biden was quick on grabbing credit for a dip in gas prices. But now that prices are going up, the demo-rat blames Putin for the soaring inflation… even if it was mostly Biden’s fault.

The demo-rat is never accountable for his mistakes. Remember when he blamed the meat industry and the supply chain for the inflation he caused? 

Right now, Biden’s blame game continues…

Biden claimed that he would lessen Putin’s price hike. He said, “I’m going to do everything I can to minimize Putin’s price hike here at home.”

The administration even reached out to 30 teenage Tiktok influencers to blame Putin for the rising gas prices and spread misinformation. Some of these TikTok influencers are:

  • Ellie Zeiler – who has over 10 million followers
  • Aaron Parnas – who has 1.2 million followers
  • Kahlil Greene – who calls himself a ‘’Gen Z historian’’ with over 540,000 followers

From the looks of it, Biden is desperate to cover up for his mistakes. Instead of taking accountability for his failures, he’s using teenage TikTok influencers to mislead people.

White House Considered Sending Americans Gas Cards

According to Axios, the White House also considered sending Americans gas cards to help offset the high oil costs. Good thing they failed to convince the congressional committees of the plan’s effectiveness.

Even House Democrats issued a list of reasons why sending Americans gas cards would be a bad idea:

  • It would be too expensive and poorly regulated
  • It could worsen inflation and would not do much to offset prices
  • Requesting the IRS to send the cards in the middle of tax filing season could delay people’s returns

Biden even thought that buying people off would cover up for his mistakes. But a gas card won’t do anything to help with the inflation he worsened with his incompetence. 

The best thing he can do right now is to step back before he destroys our country… and give his position to someone who can make America great again.

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One Thought to “Biden Blames Putin for the Soaring Inflation”

  1. Donald

    It is months past when Congress should have stopped Biden and his ill advised and hurtful mandates. In particular Biden’s restrictions on domestic oil and gas production. Congress has the power to override Biden and must do so soon. I am surprised that other nations, particularly NATO nations aren’t screaming for America to open the spigot on domestic to be able to help stop the world’s energy shortage, bring inflation under control and further limit Russia’s energy exports. Middle income and the poor have crushed world wide by Biden’s acts against domestic energy production in what can be rightly called economic discrimination! World leaders have lost faith in Biden and will soon lose faith in America if Congress doesn’t act now. How weak do you think Biden looks to the world as he goes with hat in hand to beg enemy and terrorist states to increase their energy production to end the crisis his actions caused when all he has to do is to take off the restriction he put on domestic energy? If Congress doesn’t act it will not be long before the world condemns Anerica for causing world wide inflation, recession and probable depression.

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