Biden Ignores Our Patriot Leaders’ Concern for the Border Yet Again

It doesn’t look like the border crisis is high on Biden’s list of important issues; America shouldn’t expect to see changes made anytime soon.

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte just visited the US-Mexico border this October… and it was not his first time staying there! He’s one of our dedicated Republican leaders committed to stopping illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug smuggling.

Gianforte recorded a video of himself at work to provoke the White House and mock Biden’s incompetence as a leader. “I’m here at the Southern Border. Right here where people are crossing into our country.”

He was physically present at the border with 11 other governors. Then he added, “I’m here with a number of other governors across the country to draw attention to this. Our president has not been down to the border. We have a humanitarian and national crisis…”

Lyndsay Keith from Newsmax asked him what he’s seeing that’s affecting the border so aggressively. Gianforte summed up the issues into these key points:

  • Humanitarian and security issues
  • The increase of illegal drugs
  • Violent crimes

Unlike Biden and the twisted dems, Gianforte can see the bigger picture. He and the other governors created a ten-point plan to resolve the crisis. They unveiled these policies to protect America, restore security, and end the crisis:

  • Continue Title 42 public health restrictions
  • Fully reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols
  • Finish securing the border
  • End catch and release
  • Clear the judicial backlog
  • Resume the deportation of all criminals
  • Dedicate federal resources to eradicate human trafficking and drug trafficking
  • Re-enter all agreements with our Northern Triangle partners and Mexico.
  • Send a clear message to potential migrants
  • Deploy more federal law enforcement officers and National Guard troops

Unfortunately despite implementing all these policies, illegal migrants continue to come in. Sean Spice of Newsmax asked Gianforte why their plan is not yet working to its best potential.

One obvious reason is… our patriot leaders aren’t getting enough support from the Federal government. As a result, liberals with authority continue to ignore the crisis at hand.

Gianforte shared his thoughts, “They need to change the policy. The number of illegal migrants coming across the Southern Border has increased every single month… since President Biden has been in office. Last month, we saw over 200,000 people. They’re apprehended and then released. So far this year we’ve seen 1.3 million people come into the country illegally.”

Then he added, “When people are apprehended and sent to an asylum… they [get] sent to Mexico until their hearing date. What happens is they’re given an appointment 2 years in the future… and get put on a bus [to] get sent to their local community. This has got to stop. As long as we reward people for coming. [Then] they’re going to keep on coming.”

The Biden administration is making it very convenient for illegal migrants to come into our country. 

That’s why despite our patriot leader’s effort to send a clear message that the border is closed… migrants continue to come.

Gianforte and 25 other governors asked Biden to meet with him to end this national security crisis last September. But the demo-rat only ignores them until now. 

Biden probably thinks that by ignoring the issue at the border, it would magically go away. Our patriot leaders have already proposed a plan that they believe would work. But, unfortunately, the Federal government won’t support their cause…

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One Thought to “Biden Ignores Our Patriot Leaders’ Concern for the Border Yet Again”

  1. mike

    if they can cross t border with out getting in trouble then they can come in t white house or t capital and and out out instead of under t bridges

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