Biden Needs a New Babysitter

If there’s one thing the mainstream media has proven, it’s that the White House press team are Biden’s best babysitters… especially during press conferences.

A few months ago, Biden was mocked by the media when he began his Q&A at a press conference in Geneva for being safeguarded from outside questions. Before the Q&A, he said bluntly, “I’ll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on.”

Biden only takes questions from pre-approved reporters… I guess that’s one way to lose the trust of the few dem holdouts left…

Even parts of the media are starting to admit the problems… CNN news correspondent Jeff Zeleny expressed his disappointment with Biden in his report

He said, “We have not seen him answer questions without his aides screaming at him to stop. I have never seen a president… who is so protected by his aides in terms of not wanting him to answer some questions.”

Biden’s poor handling of the media exploits his weaknesses as a leader to enemy countries… like China, Russia, and North Korea.

Former TV producer Lara Trump doesn’t like what she’s seeing either. “Think about the message and the signal that this sends to our adversaries… to Vladimir Putin, to Kim Jong Un, to Xi Jinping… the people that are kind of looking for weakness in the United States. It makes us look ridiculous. It is embarrassing, and we’re getting no information from the president. It’s crazy.”

Now, there’s speculation that other nations think they can walk all over America. Our “American Pride” is slipping away… because a weak leader represents us.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admits that her team advises Biden not to take unapproved questions from any reporter. Biden’s public appearances are starting to sound staged and insincere. We’ve seen him and his team in action several times… 

Biden will stand in front of the camera, read a pre-written speech, then he’ll take a few questions… and his staff will interrupt and say, “That’s it, thanks for coming. We’re done!”

Fourth Watch newsletter editor Steve Krakauer also criticizes Biden and his team for their selectivity. “If you ask a tough question (to Biden) you might be taken off the list. Then you will have no question for your media organization.” 

Having pre-approved reporters to interview Biden closes the door for many Republican voices to be heard. All press conferences are just one-sided conversations for the leftists… and it’s very unfair.

Biden told us a few months ago that “he needs us.” But judging from the state of the media… a better way to rephrase his statement is “he needs his press team more than us.”

Even President Donald Trump noted that Biden’s age is not an excuse for his public speaking and press conference troubles. Our president said, “His age is not the problem… I hope he has no problems. I want him to go out and do well. I think the election was unbelievably unfair… but I want this guy to go out and do well for our country.” 

Gone are the days when President Trump would let any reporter approach him to ask questions during press conferences… when we had a president who didn’t need pre-approved reporters to spoon-feed him questions or a White House team to babysit him. 

Last year, Biden called President Trump a puppet. But it looks like it’s evident who’s the real puppet being manipulated here… 

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23 Thoughts to “Biden Needs a New Babysitter”

  1. Fran

    Now I’m really getting mad with these effing Socialist/Communists.
    They should all rot in hell!!

  2. Linda Miller

    I think the election was rigged and Biden got in because the democrats want to lead the country according to their wants. Biden’s mind has left and the democrats can tell him what to do and thus rule this country. Pelosi and Schumer have their own agenda and want to push that on the rest of the country. I hope our Republicans push back and stop these two from ruining this country.

  3. frank roselli

    He is NOT thinking of what works so he just cancels or rewrites!

  4. JoeyP

    We are in DEEP trouble with a so called “commander in chief” like this one. Will he forget where ho MISPLACED the NUCLEAR codes? You BET! troubling . . . One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  5. Michael S Dowling

    The new hollywood woke house reality tv show. Starting the dems. The questions and answers are already scripted. Worst reality show i have seen. Hope the networks cancel it this season.

  6. Ali

    Joe’s questions and answers are already written down
    That is like lying. Joe is suppose to answer questions given at the time
    Joe is ignorant.

  7. Dolores Herrmann

    Would love to have the media change the questions they have preselected and see what happens – all of them not just one. Would that end all pressers? One way to pull the plug on the puppet masters who I believe to be Obasmugpuss, Pisslousi and certainly Killary.

  8. JA

    I believe I have a clue as to why the borders are not officially closed.
    1. Immigrants are bussed to conservative cities around the country.
    2. When the census is taken the number of democrats (immigrants) will
    be high enough that another rep. and senator will need to be elected for the state.
    3. Another member will need to be appointed for the electoral college. Liberal
    of course.
    We need to get a handle on this and fast. Get that border closed.
    Do we need an investigation into Bidens’ business deals with China to slow things up?
    Cannot figure why the republicans can’t see what’s up with the Dems and what
    they are doing.

  9. Joy

    Biden is STUPID so he needs a bavysitter

  10. jerry lockhart

    you would think a family that has been as dirty as the Biden’s could not be president, that a president that got 13 members of our Military murder, that left our tanks ,guns, choppers, etc, left them behind, that left many other Americans behind, that has lied to all Americans every day since he has taken over the stolen election, would you believe he has tryed to destroy our constitution, and has called in Diseases Migrants to cross the borders, the Biden corruption is unbelievable.

  11. Mary J Nelson

    Biden does not give a damn. Not sure what he DOES care about.
    It is not Americans First, obviously. America Last.
    Change the script, Joe.

  12. Zepher Zipping

    Everything Biden has done is from the the un-american politicians , ( the squad ). Like open borders , stopping the keystone pipeline , and other oil drilling operations, I guess if you don’t believe in God or his only begotten son Jesus Christ you would believe in global warming ! I’m trusting in God . It’s his world and YES the open borders do alow for all types of the China virus to contaminate Americans . There voting rights come next . And those mail in ballots , that are not being signed or driver’s license attached . Come on man !

  13. d harmon

    Republicans need to get some BALLS……..

  14. Joann Mounts

    Biden is the worst president we ever had the demos and the liberal media are causing America to go down they only lie they hold. Him up in everything that’s wrong he never won really they cheated all the other countries know he is Stupid makes me want to Vomit the way they do GO TRUMP!!!!!!!

  15. Randy Mounts

    Biden makes me sick I cant stand to see him on tv the most dumbest president we ever had clean up the white house give it a good cleaning, Trump best president we ever had!

  16. Joann Mounts

    I Agree they do alot of talking now do something we love you but please start doing something stick together. Get rid of that stupid president figure out how to Vote him out go to the basement figure it out Go Trump!!!!!

  17. Stephen Bradley

    Or republican representatives in the government needs to grow a set why don’t they use the same tactics the Democrats are using on us to defeat them! Mitch McConnell sits around on his fat ass and nothing gets done. They all need to grow a pair. As for Biden shit in shit out.

  18. David Thomas Salerno

    When will Americans ever learn? Just look at the last few Democratic presidents we have had. Jimmy Carter WAS the worst president this country has ever had. Followed closely behind by Obama. Clinton wasn’t any better. The last halfway decent president the Demonrats can point to was JFK. It is a FAILED party. It is not even a “Democratic” party any longer, it is a socialist party. When will Americans finally WAKE UP?

  19. bob

    It’s embarrassing that the FAKE President of OUR country can’t answer questions on his own , needs a babysitter and a diaper changer !!! OUR country has never looked and have been so WEAK . It’s no surprise that other countries are showing their aggression NOW , but they were not flexing their muscle when President Trump was in the White House !!!

  20. Barbara Mittelstadt

    I’m conveniced it was a demo who leaked the scouts abortion to chg the subject on Biden very bad policies Harris and Biden need to stop embarrassing the US and get the he’ll out of office quickly

  21. Terri Campbell

    Let’s vote foe Alexa

  22. linda harrison

    The communist regime sitting in our white house only goal is to turn this country into a third world country!!!! Well it’s time for our armed services and that includes the police to go in and take our government back. They are sworn to protect this country from exactly who and what they are. And our 2ond amendment was put in place so we can protect our selves from this communist government. So my question to everyone is why in the hell are they still in our white house and OUR country. Time to take up arms and get to business!!!

  23. Jean

    Biden is a dum ass he should go before he make the country worse.

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