Biden Reinstates Haiti’s Work Visa Program Despite Surging Immigration Problems

The Biden administration has decided to re-add Haiti to the list of countries eligible for the H-2A visa program for temporary agricultural workers, and H-2B visa program for seasonal non-agricultural workers. 

This decision comes after President Trump’s decision to remove Haiti from the list in 2018 due to high fraud and overstay rates… 

Is this just another way for the dems to allow looser immigration into America under the guise of a ‘workers visa’?

There’s been an enormous spike in illegal immigration since Biden took the office, and naturally, the Administration doesn’t want to take the blame – putting it on root problems like poverty, corruption, and violence.

These are problems that have always existed… yet only THIS year illegal immigration is spiking violently.

President Trump’s decision to take Haiti off the eligibility list in 2018 came the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said that “Haitian nationals applying for H-2A and H-2B visas present extremely high rates of refusal, and those issued H-2A or H-2B visas have historically demonstrated high levels of fraud and abuse and a high rate of overstaying the terms of their H-2 admission.”

No Surprise, Biden Has Abandoned the Texas Border

In just September 2021, border control witnessed a massive surge of Haitian immigrants over the border, with thousands gathered under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. 

The Biden administration has claimed that they recognize these problems, and has said that “While some factors, including nonimmigrant visa overstay and refusal rates that precipitated Haiti’s removal from H-2A and H-2B programs in 2018 remain a concern, the foregoing favorable factors in the U.S. interest outweigh these concerns.”

But these ‘favorable factors’ are not super clear… and the administration is posing their decision in a way to seem like they are the ‘good guys’…

In a new notice by the DHS, they claimed that adding Haiti back to the list “serves the U.S. interest and is consistent with the whole-of-government efforts to address the root causes of irregular migration and create lawful pathways for a safe, orderly, and legal migration.”

it doesn’t seem like they are doing anything to actually protect America, instead, they’re making it easier for immigrants to enter our country and then disappear…

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