Biden Undoing Everything that President Trump Did for America

Trump isn’t satisfied with Biden’s performance as president. The country suffers as a result of the demo-rat’s poor decision-making. American citizens are being neglected while Biden focuses on furthering his political agenda. 

Under President Trump, our country made incredible progress. The border’s condition was improving. Our country was energy-independent. However, Biden is undoing all of that right now. He’s reversing Trump’s policies and taking us back many steps. We can’t let him get away with it.

Biden is wasting everything that President Trump did during his term. He is dismantling Trump’s progress and reverting back to how things were before. This is a huge mistake that will have disastrous consequences for our country.

Biden Overrules Trump Policy on Palestinians

The administration reversed Trump’s closure of the consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem. They opened a “US Office of Palestinian Affairs” in the city.

Victoria Coates, the former deputy national security adviser for the Middle East under Trump, shared her thoughts on this matter. She said, “Since 2018, their affairs have been handled by a proper US Embassy… which also happens to be in West Jerusalem. This unnecessary change with the Palestinians will only prolong the stalemate between them and Israel. It will not bring us any closer to peace than the old ConGen [consulate-general] did [before Trump].”

Israel’s former Ambassador to the UN, Dany Danon, also opposed the administration’s move. He said, “The Biden administration is reverting to past failed practices. It signals an upgrade in relations with the possibility of more fruitless promises to come.”

The number one goal of the administration is reversing everything from President Trump. They don’t even care if it’s the right thing to do or not. Biden has not only created chaos in America; he is causing chaos in other countries as well.

Supreme Court Allows Biden to Terminate Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” Policy

According to the Supreme Court, the Biden administration terminating Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy didn’t violate the immigration law. The ruling from Chief Justice John Roberts allowed Biden to restart Trump’s policy. Unfortunately, this is a victory for Biden.

President Trump’s policy prevented non-Mexican migrants from being released into the US. This was a beneficial policy to keep our borders secure.

The number of illegal migrants crossing the US-Mexico border has grown. Republicans opposed Biden’s immigration policies. This is because the demo-rat only undid President Trump’s efforts on our border.

The decision of the Supreme Court may be constitutionally correct. However, the southern border is out of control. The Fentanyl crossing the border is murdering thousands of people each month. Something has to be done to address the situation at the border.

More Than 1 Million Voters to Switch to GOP

Voters across 45 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year. Moreover, Biden’s approval ratings dropped to 31% in a recent CIVIQS rolling job approval survey. This means that citizens are dissatisfied with dem’s work for our country.

Many people liked what President Trump did for America. If the Biden administration continued our president’s policies, then they would have to admit that Trump gave us the best economy in the history of the world.

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