Biden Won’t Admit His Mistakes

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 9, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0

We all know that Biden is the main reason why inflation in America keeps getting worse. The demo-rat wants to prove the liberals will always be in control of everything. We’ve seen:

Fox News reported that inflation gave most Americans a pay cut. Wages for our workers started to decline fast since 2022 started. The Labor Department reported that the average hourly ratings for all employees went down by 1.7%.

The administration has been failing to manage inflation since Biden became president…

Last year, the administration blamed the meat industry for the inflation it caused. Biden and the other liberals said that there was “profit-sharing” going on in the meat industry. But in reality, they only accused the meat industry to deny the truth the dems were the reason why prices were going high.

Now, the cycle of blame continues… 

This year, Biden claims that the supply chain is responsible for inflation. The demo-rat continued blaming everyone for his failures like a kid. 

Biden said during an interview, “The reason for the inflation is the supply chains were cut off, meaning that the products, for example, automobiles — the lack of computer chips to be able to build those automobiles so they could function; they need those computer chips. They were not available.”

The demo-rat made another poor judgment. Instead of taking responsibility for his mistakes, he only passed the blame to others…

This triggered Obama-Era Treasury Secretary Steven Rattner to expose Biden’s terrible judgment. He wrote in a statement, “Supply issues are by no means the root cause of our inflation.” 

Then Rattner pointed out Biden’s immaturity of randomly blaming others. He added, “Blaming inflation on supply lines is like complaining about your sweater keeping you too warm after you’ve added several logs to the fireplace.”

He then clarified that inflation is primarily caused by large levels of demand due to increased consumer spending. Rattner said, “It’s a classic economic case of ‘too much money chasing too few goods,’ resulting in both higher prices; and, given the extreme surge in demand, shortages.”

Once again, Biden fails to see the bigger picture. And instead of finding a way to solve the problem, he only put the blame on something else…

This may be one of the reasons why Biden’s approval rating hit a new low during the last week of February. The Hill reported that the demo-rat’s approval rating went down by 38%. The numbers continue to speak for themselves.

Biden needs to learn how to take responsibility for his actions and see the bigger picture before he runs America dry.

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