Biden’s $1B For The Meat Industry Is No More Than A Failed PR Attempt

Biden has now decided to blame major industries for America’s massive inflation problem…

The White House announced last week that they plan to spend $1 billion of the American Rescue Plan Act funds on independent meat and poultry producers, to promote competition in the industry and less monopolization of the market by the big meat processors. 

Meat and poultry prices have been up 12.8% over the last year, and Biden hopes that increasing the competition will lower these costs for American families.

What’s even more surprising (or maybe it’s not) is that Biden wasn’t even aware of the rising meat costs until recently, when a family friend told him that ground beef now costs upwards of $5 per pound…

The blame is all over Biden’s name — rather than meat processors — for high inflation; economists argue that it was Biden’s American Rescue Plan that pumped $1.9 trillion into our economy without plans for any new revenue streams.

Effectively devaluing the US dollar…

Our economy’s severe inflation has been all anyone can talk about  – to no surprise considering how drastically it has affected the average American citizen’s life.

Inflation hit a 39-year high this past November. The average costs for an assortment of goods went up 6.8% compared to the previous year.

The highest annual cost increase was in the energy sector, which went up 33.3%, and the price of gas up 58.%. 

The grocery store also saw this massive increase, with the cost of ground beef increasing 13.9% over 12 months, according to government data. 

Other food industries also saw an increase in costs. Coffee prices went up 7.5% and canned vegetables are up 6.5%.

But this wouldn’t be the first time Biden has done anything without understanding the repercussions or coming up with a follow-up plan. 

Biden’s plan to reduce grocery store costs is simply to feed extra money into the industry, but it seems more like a PR coverup and a blame game. 

The meat industry isn’t the only one being attacked by the liberal’s agenda to find a scapegoat for their inflation problems… 

Biden might be currently picking on the meat producers, but the rest of his team is calling out several other industries, claiming they had a hand in this country’s severe inflation. 

Even this past November, the FTC investigated oil and gas companies for what Biden called “anti-consumer’ behavior that was said to be the cause of rising gas prices. 

After the White House’s assessment of the meat industry claimed that profits rose 300% for large meatpackers during the pandemic, the North American Meat Institute was quick to call them out. 

Their analysis “conveniently” omits all of the factors that played a role in this, such as the massive labor shortage and supply chain problems.

All of which Biden doesn’t seem to have an answer for either.

Sara Little, a spokesperson for the North American Meat Institute, said the meat industry’s biggest challenge is the labor shortage.

“Energy costs have risen, input costs have risen, transportation costs have risen. This all leads to higher prices for consumers just like other food companies and other industries.”

This isn’t the first time the administration has blamed the meat industry for America’s problems. 

Back in October, Biden was quick to call them out as the reason for inflation, and it doesn’t seem like he’s given up on his narrative yet. 

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One Thought to “Biden’s $1B For The Meat Industry Is No More Than A Failed PR Attempt”

  1. Wonnie Miller

    The country has ģone to he’ll in 1 ýear with nuts in DC.

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