Biden’s Deals: Gulf State Slavers

What’s worse than making someone spend their entire life as a slave? 

It’s hard to think of any answer.

But according to Joe Biden and the rest of the dems, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with countries ruining countless lives through slavery. Here’s an exclusive expose on Biden’s billion-dollar deals with slave states:

Imagine this. You’re living in a country where there’s practically no jobs available anywhere.

One day, someone gives you the opportunity of a lifetime. You can go overseas, work a job with  unbelievably good pay… all it takes is the price of an airline ticket.

You pull together all your savings and make the trip. But then, the second you arrive, things start to go wrong. 

The work isn’t the fantastic job you were promised… it’s backbreaking construction work in the burning desert sun. You’re only getting paid a fraction of what your contract said, and your new employer’s keeping most of the money for themselves, fining you whenever they feel like it.

And even if you could somehow afford the flight home, they’ve taken your passport. You’re trapped in a place that hates you, and the only way to survive is to work as a slave for decades.

It’s the horrific reality facing millions of people in Gulf State countries… 

And it’s something that the democrats are completely fine with. 

It’s a system called ‘Kafala’ across Gulf State countries, it’s responsible for an unbelievably vast number of ruined lives, and our government is happy to give sweetheart deals to the people responsible.

We’re giving billions, maybe even trillions of dollars to these people. We’re financing their militaries. 

We’re sending our troops to fight and die for them. We’re even listening to their demands about foreign policy. But the dems aren’t doing anything to push back.

The thing is, the dems could make them end the slave system today, if they actually cared. Just say “we’re not buying your oil until you stop the slavery”, and the problem solves itself.

The people being forced to work as slaves aren’t doing anything we need done. They’re building pointless buildings in the middle of the desert so the dems’ billionaire allies can live even more pampered lives.

But you won’t hear a single dem say anything about it. Ever. 

It’s because they don’t actually care about human rights. They’re happy to make deals with the worst people in the world, just to enrich themselves.

And it’s time the world knows about it.

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19 Thoughts to “Biden’s Deals: Gulf State Slavers”

  1. Charles Sopha

    You had a good start, but failed to name the countries that are doing this. How about more investigations into which senators and representatives of Congress are part of this as well. Right now this is a click bait article and only has 10% information of what should be a 100% story.

  2. Trish

    He’s a demonrat. Why should we be surprised at his thoughts about slavery?

    1. Michael R Mitchell

      How true!!!!!! All of the slave owners in this country were Demonrats! There were no Republican slave holders. The Idiot Left also gave us the KKK, racism, and segregation! Pretty great party legacy, huh? And even though they deny it, they are the party of and for the rich and wealthy. It has been proven that there are far more rich Democrats than Republicans. Democrat politicians are also paid more than Republicans. Extra pay for destroying America? How great for them. And if you watch the actions of Antifa, they are constantly proving that they are the Nazi Party-reborn at last!!!!!!.

  3. Wilddog

    Democrats started the bloodiest war in American history to preserve slavery so this article doesn’t surprise me. Especially since senile Joe bragged that Delaware was a slave state and he was good friends with senator Byrd, a high ranking Klansman.

  4. Lyin briben biden

    Heck kamala grand dad was the biggest slave owner in Jamaican history. Of course bixen is ok with slavery.

    Biden even said the imprisonment and rape of Chinese minorities was ok becuase it is their cultural norm.

    Biden like all democrats is a seriously mentally ill person.. think how mentally ill the democrats have to be to have committed all that voter fraud to elect him.

    1. Phil

      Less demented than criminally and politically corrupt using all the corrupt sources at their disposal to fraudulently create double votes, use dead Democrats to add even more votes, and ha e vote staff that colluded to process fraudulent votes after polls closed, and so much more.

  5. Raymond W. Weinman

    The fact of the matter is the Democrats have been the party of Racism, Division and Hatred since their inception. They push racial division because it serves their purpose. They don’t care about minorities at all. You’re just a pawn in their game. They are users and always have been.
    It’s time for all patriotic Americans, regardless of race, creed or color to step up and join together to rid our nation of the biggest hate group and domestic terrorist group in the country. THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS PARTY!

  6. Wes

    Expose this more. The Democrats need to be exposed like the guy in the church in Fletch 2. I need you expose that. Maybe Biden keeps dead ashes of slaves in a cookie jar. Would not put it past anything he does. All he wants is the vote before he sends them to the gas chamber.

    1. cozycalico

      Biden is an illegal president so your cant expect anything good to come from him. We have to find a way to get him out of office along with his VP NOW! United states of America will be unrecognizable if these two idiots stay in charge for 4 years.

  7. Gary Hurley

    they should take all the ones in government that are not doing anything about helping the people get out of afganistan and drop them in with the telaban and then see what they say.



  9. Kenneth Testa


  10. James Hahner

    During and prior to the Civil War Biden’s relatives used slave labor to accomplish work in the fields to better the Biden family.

  11. Gene

    What a world we are living in today in the future of America is in the hands of people who seem to hate the nation I love and yet they have control of the media in are military in even the world why would they care about the future of America

  12. Anniruddha

    What can we expect? Here is an answer! Listen to the words too…

    What a world!

    We are Legions!

  13. Anniruddha

    That’s right the Dems & a few Renos started all the wars in the US and in the world!!

  14. John Adams

    Biden Harris is The Democrat Parties Attempt To Silence And Enslave All Dissenting Americans.Of Course They Support International Slavery. The Democrat Party were the People Who Started A Civil War ln America to Preserve Slavery. That is the reason we see CRT. They are trying to erase their disgusting history. Unfortunately The World Knows Who They Really Are

  15. Steve MacMillan

    If they weren’t such prolific liars and cheaters their party wouldn’t survive!

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