Biden’s Dogs Savage Secret Service

When the Biden family adopted two dogs just before moving into the White House, the cynicism was obvious.

Adopting a dog is, of course, a classic way for politicians to avoid criticism…

But Biden couldn’t even manage that. 

When the media whined about President Trump not adopting a dog, or any kind of pet, they really just showed how much of a sham the whole thing is…

When you take on the most stressful, most important job in the world, the last thing on your mind should be adopting a pet… there’s just no way you can balance taking proper care of the animal with supporting the country.

And yet, politician after politician does it. Why?

Because it’s an EASY way to get sympathy.

Just look at Nixon for an example. Accused of taking bribes in the 50s, Nixon turned it around by focusing on one particular thing he’d been given… his dog. 

By doing that, Nixon disarmed the charges against him… ‘he can’t be all bad, look how much he cares about that dog’. 

It’s been a standard ever since… Clinton’s (later abandoned) cat, the dogs owned by Obama and the Bushes, any number of examples.

When Trump decided not to adopt any animal, he was doing the right thing, refusing to take the easy way out.

So it’s hardly a surprise that Joe Biden decided to adopt two dogs before moving in, or that the media practically rejoiced over it.

The thing is, Biden can’t even do that right. Less than two months in, he’s already shipped the dogs back to his family home in Delaware, after one of them attacked a Secret Service agent in the White House.

It’s really just another little thing that shows just how unfit Biden is as a President.

He can’t look after a dog, he can’t finish a sentence, he can’t even host a press conference…

So why the hell would anyone think he can run a country?

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