Biden’s Plans ‘Will Lead to Spiraling Inflation’

Biden is now the biggest threat to the economy he claims to be rebuilding…

Americans are worried about his spending plans because they only end in one future – severe economic inflation. Biden wants to use our country’s funds for infrastructure, education, health care, and more. 

However, he is planning a $6 trillion budget for everything, the largest proposed budget this country has seen in years…the costs to fund these infrastructure projects are projected to push federal spending to its highest sustained levels since World War II.

Inflation for next year is projected to increase drastically as a result. In fact, it grew by 5% in just one month last June, the sharpest increase our economy has seen in 13 years.

A Monmouth University survey shows that most Americans don’t like what’s happening to the prices of goods. Respondents expect prices for all commodities to increase over the next year.

  • 47% said that they were very concerned that the Biden spending plans will lead to spiraling inflation
  • 24% said that they were somewhat concerned

Another Survey from Monmouth University tells how much Biden’s policies and spending plans have helped the middle class. 

  • 36% said not at all
  • 32% said a little
  • 19% said yes

Monmouth University polling director Patrick Murray shared his thoughts about the survey results. He said, “Right now, Biden is not quite meeting the public’s expectations for helping the middle class. His calculation may be that the country is willing to accept some price increases in return for a more robust economy and wider array of support programs.”

But Biden is only thinking about the wealthy 1%, who have the disposable income to afford these kinds of price increases.

Real American families have noticed that inflation rates are rising at a frightening pace. The prices of gas, food, cars, and building materials are reflecting this reality… and it’s becoming more difficult to sustain our standard of living.

The failing condition of our country’s economy is not a natural occurrence. It’s the result of a failed monetary policy from Biden.

Chief global economist and strategist Allen Sinai shared his thoughts. He said, “As workers return to the labor force and American consumers rush to spend months of pent-up savings accrued during the pandemic, the risk of overheating is now the greatest hazard for the U.S. economy.”

Inflation is affecting our economy more directly than we might realize. Higher interest rates means fewer people who are able to afford loans on cars and houses. Rapid inflation also makes the price of goods far more volatile and difficult to value.

The Biden administration is giving us a nightmare. This is what happens when we allow an incompetent fraud to take the seat of President Trump. We are getting closer to witnessing the destruction of America.

Taxes and inflation are the two greatest wealth wreckers… Keep in mind we’re inviting massive inflation to our doorstep when we print billions of dollars out of thin air. Everyone but the dems seem to understand this basic concept.

Biden’s leadership is only becoming more questionable with each irrational decision he makes… 

Is inflation the goal of the Biden administration? Higher costs mean more tax revenue for the government… and the corrupt liberals who now have more money to line their pockets.

Are they planning to achieve income equality by making everyone (but the politicians) broke? A big part of the Russian Revolution was the severe income disparity between the aristocrats and the general population… Is Biden planning to do this to America as well?

Last month’s inflation statistics should be alarming. The latest inflation numbers are clear warning signs that Biden’s policies are on a non-stop train to ruining our economy. 

Biden should put the brakes on before the inflation rises any more, that is if he’s really sincere in helping our economy grow.

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10 Thoughts to “Biden’s Plans ‘Will Lead to Spiraling Inflation’”

  1. martin smith lll

    Can biden be stopped! I know a way but, I’ll be arrested!!!

  2. Dicky

    Get rid of him NOW!

  3. don

    The people who voted to put this clown into office share the blame here. The media will never admit it but they are key conspiritors in the destruction of the US. Our only hope is a massive election turnout at the mid-term elections

  4. Somebody

    Martin Smith III: Add Kamala to that thought!

  5. Adrian Maclean

    It is now abundantly clear that the democrat party is the enemy within America and must be removed from power in 2022 , sooner if the election results are overturned and Donald Trump resumes his presidency .

  6. RC

    It’s a proven fact that when socialists get control of a government anyone who opposes them will play hell getting rid of them. Once I watched that ‘great’ socialist leader, Josef Stalin give a speech. In the speech he said, “To stay in power they have to lie, cheat, steal and kill.” I really hope the damn fools who blindly voted for Biden are proud and happy with what they did to this once free country, because it ain’t free no more.

  7. michael sarnataro

    he never speaks about his father like t trumps did. i no i would as long as he lived and he would do t same for me.

  8. James George Mann

    JOE BIDEN acually is PROUD of HIS ONLY governmental ACOMPLISHMENTS = GREATER INFLATION than JIMMY CARTER, GREATER loss of USA ADVANCED MILITARTY Equipement totally over $85,000,000,000 BILLION Dollars,SPENDing $10,000,000,000 TRILLION Dollars in 4 MONTHS, and over 2,000,000 UNvaccinated MILLION ILEGALS !! A RECORD hard to BEAT !

  9. Richard Hull

    Radical leftism is a brain disorder. And there is no difference between socialism and communism. The question is do we cherish our liberty and freedoms or do we just want to kiss it all goodbye

  10. James Garland

    Somebody needs to interrupt. Do this legally or not before it is to late!

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