Border Agents Fed Up With Biden’s Empty Promises

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

Up to this day, the Biden administration is still failing to make significant progress in fixing our borders. To no one’s surprise, the immigration crisis continues to get worse.

It looks like Biden’s pride won’t let him continue President Trump’s works on the border. 

It’s just disappointing that despite the great start that Trump left behind for his POTUS successor… Biden only took his advocacy for granted.

The administration that we have today is most likely responsible for the terrible condition of our borders.

The Number of Illegal Migrants Continues Rising

According to a Department of Homeland Security official, around 220,000 illegal migrants have evaded the Border Patrol since October of last year. That number is even separate from reports in which:

  • The Border Patrol has caught illegal migrants
  • Illegal migrants have turned themselves in

This means more migrants have passed the border illegally…

Former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott shared his disappointment to the administration during an interview on Fox News. 

He believes that the catastrophe at our borders today is not an accident. Scott said, “I’ve come to the conclusion that this is their plan. To have the border open, you couldn’t make all these decisions by accident.”

Then he subtly pointed out Alejandro Mayorkas for doing a lousy job as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

Scott added, “I cannot look at somebody…  like the secretary of DHS with his experience, background, and knowledge. Look at the decisions he’s making to maintain and create an open border.”

He also thinks the administration’s inaction at the border is threatening our National security. He added, “(National Security threat) is worsening every day. It’s horrible, to be honest. Hundreds and hundreds of miles of borders are left wide open and we don’t know what’s crossing. But what we do know is that the demographics have changed statistically.”

All these facts show that the current administration is not what our country needs…

Biden’s False Pledge to Secure the Border

The demo-rat spoke this March for the State of the Union Address. In his speech, Biden made a pledge to secure the southern border. He said, “Folks, if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need to secure our border and fix the immigration system. And as you might guess, I think we can do both.”

Agents who served on the front lines of the border were not impressed with Biden…

A border agent shared his opinion with Fox News. He said, “Very few people within CBP (Customs and Border Protection) believe this administration will actually secure the border. They just do not believe in it. All of their actions, comments, and practices are solely about pushing in as many illegal aliens as possible. Not just those from the Americas but from around the world.”

Another border agent admitted that he’s already tired of hearing Biden’s empty promises. He said, “Figured it would be all lies and smoke. We’re losing so many agents, they’re fed up. We all know he doesn’t care about secure borders.”

If Biden wants to remove the disbelief of every American who really cares for the border… then he should show it with his actions, not his words. The demo-rat should start swallowing his pride and continue what President Trump did for our borders…

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