California WILL Go Red Again

Is California a lost cause? Dems want you to think so, want you to believe that the Golden State will always vote Democrat.

The truth is completely different. California will vote Republican again – maybe even in 2024.

Here’s the reality that terrifies liberals:

If you ask anyone on the street to name a dem-voting state, it’s going to be California or New York 9 times out of 10. 

According to the official records, Cali hasn’t voted for a Republican since 1988 – and with the swing gradually increasing across most elections, many of us have completely written off any possibility of the state going Republican again.

But the numbers don’t tell the full story. 

Look a little further back, and you’ll see some surprisingly similar numbers – just the other way round. In 1984, Ronald Reagan pulled in practically 60% of the vote, one of the highest winning margins in the history of California.

What changed? 

The answer’s clear – Silicon Valley. You already know how deeply connected Big Tech is with the dems… Silicon Valley just makes the relationship even clearer.

As more and more tech companies started moving into California, they started to swing the vote away from Republicans, towards the dems and third parties. 

Silicon Valley keeps expanding – the dems keep pulling in more votes in Cali. 

There’s just one thing they haven’t thought of.

They think that the pattern is going to last forever. If you don’t see California going Republican again, you probably think something similar.

In actual fact, Silicon Valley’s grip over California is far more vulnerable than it looks. The entire tech sector is very close to total collapse.

Remember what happened when the dot-com bubble burst? Tech-based companies were vastly overvalued by traders, until the market woke up to the reality – that there was absolutely no way for most of the companies to turn a profit.

That’s exactly what’s happening in Silicon Valley today. Just look at the big modern businesses – Uber’s never turned a profit, and will never be able to turn a profit. 

Some companies, like Magic Leap, don’t even have a product. Valued at over $6 billion, this company just faked it for as long as they could, bringing in hundreds of millions in funding – until they lost over 90% of their value practically overnight.

That’s what the future looks like for Silicon Valley – total collapse. And once that happens, expect voters to abandon the Dems in California.

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9 Thoughts to “California WILL Go Red Again”

  1. I hope we see Trump in 4 years! This country needs him. He’s brought this country to being strong and on the right financial track. I just hope the Democrats don’t completely destroy what Trump has built before he has a chance at continuing the successful trend. He’ll go down as one of the best Presidents of our lifetime. When this country looks back at Trumps time in office even some Democrats will say what a good job he did. Personally I don’t understand where all their hate came from, except to say it was mob mentality. I think they were humiliated by losing to an outsider. Hopefully they’ll get over it.

    1. American


    2. American

      Dear JANICE IGNOR that last messed up message no place to edit and these letters are way to light in color. Very hard to see for A old ugly guy!!! But I do believe we will see Mr. PRESIDENT TRUMP AGAIN THIS YEAR . PRAY FOR HIM AND GOD BLESS

  2. Edward Tadych


    1. Cheri Fleming

      Agree 100%!!

  3. Yvonne King

    Pray to God we get Trump back before it is too late!! God Bless America!!

  4. George Ramge

    The track Record of a successful Business man speaks for its self.This is what success was for the 4 years of Trump .People look it up your self’s.You had a taste of winning and respect from all around the world .Look at where you are now .Lying,Cheating,Stealing No track record of success.The Blame is on all of you ,Your votes will determine the direction of the country where we were with Trump and where we are now with Biden.Wake Up !

  5. Aniruddha Ideaki

    Trump for presidency, Great! However… Hell is not over yet. So the best thing to do THIS time. Is to no vote at all. Strike the polls, strike the votes! Let the Dems have it. The army is with us. So are the weapons (God bless we won’t have to use them)… A probable civil war … :-(( This time the peoples are going to make it.:-) Then, in the 30s the new president will be a hero! :-))

    It is too late to try to refurbish the system 😉 The ancient world is already gone …. and lost. ;-]

  6. robert

    I dont believe california will ever turn red. Too many damorats buried in that state.

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