Biden and Mayorkas Slammed for Continuously Ignoring the Border

The dems continue to ignore the border crisis. They’re more worried about their political agendas… than they are about the safety and security of our country.  It seems the borders mean nothing to them. They don’t care about the people trying to enter our country illegally. All they care about is themselves. Dems Remain Idle at the Border The dems are napping through the border crisis they started. Meanwhile, criminal organizations profit from smuggling illegal aliens into the US. According to Fox News: Border Patrol apprehensions have increased 377% under…

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Saudi Arabia Prince Mocked Biden After OPEC Oil Cut?

Biden is ruining America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. He is proving to be a weak leader who is beholden to special interests. Under his leadership, America is becoming more isolated from the rest of the world. WH Says Biden Believes Saudi Arabia Sided With Russia After OPEC Oil Cut The White House said that Biden believes Saudi Arabia has sided with Russia. This followed the Riyadh-led OPEC announcement last time to cut oil production. WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We believe in OPEC’s decision. (Saudi Arabia is) certainly aligning…

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CDC Votes to Add Covid-19 Vaccine to Immunization Schedules for Children  and Adults

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to approve the CDC’s new recommended immunization schedules. Specifically for adults and children for 2023.  The vote was unanimous, with 15 in favor and none against it. Moreover, the recommended schedule advises children to start getting doses of the Covid-19 vaccine when they are six months old. CDC Wants to Vaccinate More Children and Adults, Patriot Leaders Not Impressed A spokesperson from CDC told Fox News that regardless of how the ACIP votes, their decision…

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GOP Lawmakers Determined to Defund Sexually Oriented School Programs

The dems continue to destroy our children’s innocence by teaching them about sex. They are exposing them to things that they are not ready for and corrupting their innocent minds.  This is just another example of the liberal’s incompetence. What they’re doing is a complete disregard for the welfare of our children. GOP Bill to Defund Sexually Oriented School Programs This October, House Republicans introduced a bill that aims to save our youth from being corrupted.  Vice chairman of the House Republican Conference Rep. Mike Johnson and 32 other Republican…

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Dems Determined to Stop Elon Musk from Buying Twitter

The freedom that matters is the freedom to speak your mind. That’s the most basic and essential pillar of all freedom.  We are no longer fully human if our ability to choose our own words is taken away. Authoritarians understand this. That’s why they hate freedom of speech. With words and the right resources, anyone can change the world… Elon Musk understands this too. That’s why he’s trying to buy Twitter, not because he needs the company.  Musk is doing this to give voice to people who have no voice.…

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