Republican Lawmakers in Congress Are Demanding Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to Resign

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to politicize the border. This is something that conservatives have long slammed him for. Critics say that Mayorkas is more concerned with other political interests than actually solving the issues at the border. Republicans Want Mayorkas to Resign Smugglers, migrants, and many Republican lawmakers say the border is open. However, Mayorkas says the border is closed and secure.  In an interview with The Dallas Morning News Secretary, Mayorkas said, “The political crisis that the border is open is music to the smugglers’ ears. They…

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Republican Leaders Say No to Graham’s 15-Week Abortion Ban

Republicans strongly advocate for stopping abortion. They believe it’s a tragedy that takes the life of an innocent human being, and that it should be stopped at all costs. Abortion is a hot-button issue for us Republicans… and we will continue to fight for what we believe in. However, some RINOs (Republican In Name Only) support dems on abortion. What a disgrace! They’re supposed to be conservatives. However, they’re aiding and abetting the leftists on this crucial issue. RINO Lindsey Graham Proposes 15-Week Abortion Ban South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham…

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The Administration Spends Billions for Ukraine Without a Clear Goal

Biden is wasting billions of dollars by funding Ukraine without a clear goal. What does he hope to accomplish with this money? American taxpayers are footing the bill for his reckless spending…  The dems are splurging billions of dollars by trying to help Ukraine. However, they have no idea what they’re doing, and it’s a complete waste of money. Biden and Dems Waste Don’t Know How to Help Ukraine Properly The Senate recently passed a short-term spending bill that aims to: Avert a partial government shutdown when the fiscal year…

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Dems Tap GOP Data for Midterm Elections Campaign

The Republican party is preparing for the upcoming midterm elections. They are doing everything they can to face the challenge with the right foot forward.  Even though the dems are unfair… the Republicans are still diligently preparing for the midterms. Snap Allows Democrats to Tap GOP Data Axios reported that top dem campaigns were provided with the ability to polish their midterm ads unfairly. This was when the social media giant, Snap, granted them access to Republican voter data. As of now, there is no indication that Snap was aware…

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Facebook Promoting Racial Violence and Blocking an Ad for Hurricane Ian Victims

Facebook continues its move on manipulating and censoring certain content. This includes blocking specific topics and pages from being discussed or shared. Some people are outraged by this censorship, calling it a violation of free speech. Others believe it is necessary to keep the platform safe and clean. Either way, it looks like Facebook is not changing its protocols soon. So we will have to continue to deal with the censored content on the site. Facebook Algorithms Promoted Racial Violence Against Rohingya A report from Amnesty International said that Facebook…

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