Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Bill Banning Transgenders in Women’s Sports

Kristi Noem / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / December 19, 2020 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed the state Senate Bill 46. It is an act that bans transgenders from participating in women’s sports. The bill is the strongest in the nation so far for protecting women’s sports. On average men are bigger and stronger. They have a competitive physical advantage over women. So it’s unfair for men and women to compete against each other in official sports events.  It hurts their chances of winning…

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Dems Working With Big Tech to Destroy America

JD Vance / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / April 17, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / The dems and Big Tech always do everything to keep our conservative opinion censored. They never give us a fair fight… making sure they always have the advantage. They manipulate the truth to make out patriots look bad. We’ve seen how: Facebook and Twitter suspended President Trump’s accounts Youtube deactivated two conservative channels Youtube removed the visibility of the number of dislikes Amazon invaded our privacy with Amazon Sidewalk and Amazon Key The liberals’…

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Biden Won’t Admit His Mistakes

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 9, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 We all know that Biden is the main reason why inflation in America keeps getting worse. The demo-rat wants to prove the liberals will always be in control of everything. We’ve seen: Consumer prices went up by 7% this year – the fastest increase in 40 years The administration passed the $1 trillion infrastructure bill Biden wasted billions of dollars for Covid mass testing How Biden used the meat industry as a scapegoat for his…

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Government Departments Found to be Customers of Smartphone Hacking Company

It seems that the government is still up to no good, they can’t seem to stop finding new ways to spy on others. Israeli-based company Cellebrite creates hardware and software that unlock smartphones, and to no one’s surprise, they have thousands of customers in the U.S. government… Cellebrite initially worked only with law enforcement agencies, but now, they’ve begun to broaden the availability of their software in the private sector.  Albert Fox Cahn, the executive director of the nonprofit advocacy group Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, has called out the lack…

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Biden Is Not Pro-Union At All

Joe Campaigning / stingrayschuller / Flickr / April 30, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 / Biden is known for making empty promises and false claims. He’s the kind of leader who’s never consistent with what he says. Last year, the demo-rat was too bold to assure that: America will be Covid-free by the 4th of July The stock market was in great condition even if it was a disaster at that time The unvaccinated will suffer a winter of illness and death The meat industry was the reason for the…

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