8 Proven Ways to Make Money in Real Estate

Real estate may have produced more wealth than any other industry, but people still remain skeptical about entering into the fray. Most think that they need to start with some sort of capital, but that’s not always the case. The one magic power you do need is to be able to find the money, and we’re often not talking much to open up escrow. If you know what you’re doing, you can make money in real estate even if you’re just starting out. Don’t think so? Take the story of Kent Clothier, for example.…

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Why Is There Such an Insatiable Appetite to Invest in Unprofitable Companies?

It’s fundamental, the raison d’être, the very purpose of running a business: profit. But you don’t need to look very far to see companies securing massive investments while losing billions. Some are even raising further investment despite previous rounds yet to bear any returns. So why is there such an insatiable appetite to invest in unprofitable companies? Misdirection metrics Companies that have a massive user base/revenue/other impressive sounding metric, but don’t make any money, make me skeptical when it comes to investing. There’s good reason: revenue is vanity; profit is sanity. While it’s true…

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The 3 New Tax Law Deductions You Probably Missed This Tax Season

The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) impacted returns for the first time this year, bringing considerable change and causing mass confusion among taxpayers and tax preparers alike.The TCJA is the most comprehensive tax reform since 1986. One of its biggest changes was to increase deductions, primarily for business owners and investors. Unfortunately, due to a lack of education by CEOs/founders, investors and tax preparers, many entrepreneurs failed to take full advantage of the new tax law benefits, as a result. As I traveled the country this past year speaking to thousands of entrepreneurs and investors…

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Forget Being a ‘Unicorn’: Here Are 5 Ways to Become a ‘Monster Truck’

Every company needs money to stay alive, let alone grow. This is especially true in the tech world, where even slow growth is equated with slow death. But sometimes, acquiring too much investment too soon is the very thing that causes a business to take down the open sign rather than put up the moved to larger facilities sign. Indeed, I’ve seen a slew of startups in recent years wear a badge of honor following a huge investment round. They’ve boasted about post-money valuations, but then the bad news: They’ve disappointed their investors with a down…

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Stock Market Falls as Trade War Between the U.S. and China Gets Nastier by the Day

The U.S. Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), which measures business activity in the manufacturing and service sectors, fell to its lowest level in nine years this month. At a reading of 50.6, the PMI suggests the economy may currently be close to flat. Interest rates and the price of oil plunged on the weak economic news. So did stock prices. The major indexes were all down sharply with the Nasdaq Composite index falling 1.58 percent. The Entrepreneur Index™ closed the day with a loss of 1.69 percent. Technology stocks were once again hammered…

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