Chip Makers Bounce Back After U.S. Eases Restrictions on Chinese Telecom Giant Huawei Technologies

The stock market rallied after the U.S. Commerce Department eased some restrictions on companies doing business with Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies. The government said last night that it would allow Huawei to continue purchasing American-made products for its existing telecom networks until Aug. 19. The momentary let-up in trade tensions with China and Huawei helped the stock indexes post gains today. The Nasdaq Composite index was up 1.08 percent while the Dow and S&P 500 indexes rose 0.77 percent and 0.85 percent respectively. The Entrepreneur Index™ gained 0.71 percent on the…

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5 Future Jobs You’ve Never Heard of But That Your Kids Will Flock to

Thanks largely to two trends — modernization and automation — the job market has arguably changed more in the last decade than in the previous half-century. Some professions have changed drastically while others have disappeared completely. But for every job that fades into obsolescence, new ways of making a living surface. With a bit of foresight, those of us who are tasked with setting up future generations for success (as parents, teachers, counselors and more) can help. Regardless, entrepreneurs, from the business veteran to the aspiring startup king (or queen), can benefit from looking at these job…

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President Trump’s Mixed Messages on Trade Deal Rattle the Stock Market

The stock market whipsawed as the President delivered conflicting messages about ongoing trade negotiations between the U.S. and China. Yesterday, the President said that China had broken the deal but suggested that an agreement could still be reached before more tariffs on Chinese goods take effect at midnight tonight. He also added that tariffs were an “excellent” alternative to a deal. Investors don’t know what to make of the situation. Stock prices were down sharply this morning before recovering ground in the afternoon. The Dow and S&P indexes ended the…

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Strapped for Cash? Three Modern Ways To Take Out A Small Business Loan.

Small businesses can often find themselves strapped for cash. When payroll is due, and accounts receivables are still high, cash is king. Even the most successful small business is susceptible to this type of crunch. As a four time venture-backed entrepreneur from the Silicon Valley, who has raised a total of $18 million for my tech startups, I’d like to offer some advice to early-stage entrepreneurs in hopes to shed light on alternative avenues to raising money. Consider diversifying your fundraising strategy by adding non-conventional fundraising options. These days, there are several…

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When I Negotiate My Salary, I Bring Up These 3 Essential Things

It can feel like a daunting task to negotiate your salary. We have been told that asking for more money isn’t polite. As a millennial, however, I firmly believe you should always negotiate your salary when you’re starting a new job, as well as when you’re up for a promotion with your current company. Though this can admittedly be a challenge, it can make a difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars. That said, sometimes it isn’t possible to negotiate your base salary. There may be a wage freeze, or the company may…

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