Oil Industry Faces Uncertain Future under AOC and Biden’s Energy Policies

Experts warn that President Biden’s push to block oil drilling in the United States… may have unintended consequences on his climate agenda. According to Fox, preventing domestic oil production could lead to:  The move could also negatively impact American jobs and economic growth. Some estimate the loss of hundreds of thousands of employment opportunities.  Critics argue that the administration’s approach won’t address climate change. Moreover, it could result in adverse outcomes for the environment and economy. Experts Warn Blocking US Oil Drilling Could Backfire on Biden’s Climate Agenda The report…

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McCarthy to Meet Biden on Debt Limit

Republicans in the Senate are intensifying their resistance to raising the debt limit. They are setting the stage for a major showdown with Democrats and the Biden administration… With the US government approaching its borrowing limit, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans are insisting that Democrats assume responsibility for increasing the borrowing limit. However, this stance has created a rift within the Republican Party, with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy signaling a willingness to collaborate with Democrats in exchange for spending cuts… Despite McConnell’s position, McCarthy has…

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Biden Administration Urges Congress to Act Quickly on Debt Ceiling

The Biden administration is urging Congress to raise the debt ceiling before June. They are warning that failure to do so could have catastrophic consequences for the US economy…  Biden Administration Urges Congress to Raise Debt Ceiling Before June The current debt ceiling was set in 2019 and has been suspended since then, but it will expire on July 31st of this year. If the ceiling is not raised… the US government will be unable to borrow money to pay its bills, leading to a default on its debt. The…

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GOP Claims COVID Funds Used for Left-Wing Agendas in Schools

The House GOP is looking into reports that COVID-19 education funds were used for things other than helping schools with the pandemic…  They want to find out how the money was used appropriately… House GOP Probe into Use of Covid-19 Education Funds The House GOP has investigated how COVID-19 education funds were being used. The probe comes after allegations… that the funds were being used for purposes other than intended. The funds were meant to help schools deal with the impact of the pandemic on education.  However, there have been…

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Biden’s Budget Faces Republican Backlash

Republicans are criticizing Biden’s proposed budget. This is expected to contain large spending increases and tax hikes.  More Taxes To Be Involved in Biden’s Spending Proposal The budget aims to cut deficits by nearly $3 trillion over the next decade. However, Republicans fear it will:  Moreover, the proposal includes a:  The top tax rate would be restored to 39.6% for those making over $400,000 a year. Meanwhile, taxes for oil and gas companies would increase. Conservative senators immediately slammed Biden’s budget proposal… Sen. Rick Scott of Florida and Sen. John…

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