Biden’s Irrational Student Loan Agenda

The Biden administration announced that they would erase student loan debt for disabled Americans. This move from the administration is expected to wipe out $5.8 billion in debt. It may sound like they’re making things fair by helping people who want a higher education be able to afford one. But in reality, that’s not the case… The debt is not being “erased.” It’s being shifted onto the shoulders of blue-collar workers who never attended college. The lawyers will get rich fighting for disability cases. While universities will raise tuition… and…

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A Modest Proposal: Make Universities Pay For Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

It is clear that the student debt burden in America, now estimated at an advancing $1.64 trillion, is just one of the best detractions of a scandal-debauched age. According to Forbes, it is currently the second-highest customer debt group, more than both charge card and auto loan financial obligation, as well as behind only mortgage financial debt. It stands for a crisis of nationwide percentages. Regardless of the rosy presumptions we often stumble upon, refinancing is just a stopgap procedure that only marginally relieves the pressure blighting the lives of…

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4 Apps and Platforms That Will Help You Get Your Business Expenses Under Control

One of the hardest parts of running a business is managing your expenses. With so many business services and subscriptions clocking in monthly fees to your bank account these days, it’s easy to justify a couple of $15 monthly fees, but then find yourself hundreds of dollars over budget at the end of the quarter. So, while it may sound obvious, that old rule needs to be repeated: In both business and personal life, you need to know where your money is going. That’s crucial for keeping things under control. Thankfully, a handful…

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Technology Stocks Lead the Entrepreneur Index™ to New Highs

Don’t worry investors, the Fed has your back. That appears to be the signal Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is sending to the market as it continues its longest bull run on record. In Congressional testimony this week, the Fed Chairman expressed continuing concerns about international trade and global economic growth despite an unexpectedly strong June jobs report and slightly higher inflation than expected for the month. The Fed is still expected to cut interest rates at the end of the month. The major stock indexes all set new highs…

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8 Ways to Get More Done as a Small-Business Owner

Entrepreneurs everywhere face a similar challenge each day: it seems there’s always more to do than time in which to do it. The good news is that since all of us are working on a time-management and productivity equation, there’s plenty of good advice to go around. Only 33% of business owners want to grow their businesses which means managers and owners needs to be as productive as possible.  Consider these eight tips from professionals and experts. 1. Batch similar tasks. Getting into a groove counts for a lot, when it comes to…

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