Liberals Encourage Parents to Vaccinate Children 6 Months and Older

The twisted dems are still determined to force our children to get the Covid-19 vaccine. They disregard the concerns of parents who want to keep their loved ones safe. This is yet another example of the left’s complete disregard for human life. No wonder our conservatives continue to lose faith in the dems’ politicized science.  Since June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that children as young as 6 months old should be vaccinated. They’re recommending this age group get shots from Pfizer and Moderna. Meanwhile,…

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Covid-19 Vaccines for Children Under Five To be Available by Late June

The dems continue to impose their forceful Covid-19 vaccine mandates on us. We’ve seen them: Risk the livelihoods of the airline, healthcare, and Big Tech employees Attempt to steal benefits from unvaccinated veterans Waste government funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Force Covid-19 mandates on pregnant women Require children ages 5-11 to get vaccinated Now, these twisted liberals want to vaccinate children under five years old. These doses may be designed for Covid-19… but it’s not for this age group. Giving these shots to kids doesn’t make sense…

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President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate in Pennsylvania

The twisted dems continue their power play in the health industry, especially with their forceful vaccine and mask mandates. So far, we’ve seen: An NYC employee getting fired for questioning her mayor on toddler mask mandates Kamala Harris not wear a mask when she visited a school in D.C. despite imposing the mandates The administration wasting federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Dr. Anthony Anthony Fauci’s involvement with the origins of the virus The liberals require vaccine mandates on children ages 5-11 and pregnant women Biden attempting…

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Arizona, Oklahoma & Kentucky Pass Transgender Sports Bans

Humphreys Triathlon results / USAG- Humphreys / Flickr / September 19, 2010 / CC BY 2.0 Our patriot leaders continue to battle on their advocacy for gender rights… We’ve seen Texas Gov. Greg Abbott fight to give children a stronger gender identity in his state. Last March, he ordered investigations on gender-transitioning care for children. Earlier this year, Attorney General Ken Paxton opened an investigation on two pharmaceutical companies misleading sexually confused minors in Texas with their puberty blockers. Last month, we also remember South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed…

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Liberals Making Everything Unfair with their Mask Mandates

Close-up of a person’s head covered with face masks / Ivan Radic / Flickr / February 27, 2021 / CC BY 2.0 Ever since Covid-19 started, the dems imposed their forceful mask and vaccine mandates. We all know that the leftists are all using the situation to gain control. We’ve seen how they: Wasted federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Decided to terminate 4,000 deputies for not taking the vaccine Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Risked the livelihoods of healthcare, airline, and Big…

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