Do Makeup Wipes Clean Your Face Properly? Dermatologists Weigh In.

If you regularly use makeup wipes to clean your face, we have some bad news: It’s time to rethink your cleansing routine. While makeup wipes might seem like a godsend ― they’re quick and easy to use, which is great for low-maintenance folks and frequent travelers ― it turns out they could be doing more harm than good when it comes to keeping skin healthy. We’re talking breakouts, irritation and even allergic reactions. That doesn’t mean you need to abandon them altogether, but there are some things you should know…

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In the cool winter months, it can be hard to keep skin hydrated. Fortunately, there is an all-natural method that will help moisturise dry skin. According to a recent study into the benefits of houseplants commissioned by The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in collaboration with Reading University and PHD student Curtis Gubb, there are certain potted plants that are good for your skin. The study found that certain flowers and shrubs can counteract the drying caused by heating units through a process called transpiration. During transpiration, plants lose water through their leaves. When the process occurs…

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The start of a brand new year, January is the perfect time to make some skincare resolutions. After weeks of overindulgence, the effects of the festive season – think too much makeup and even more mince pies – have left many of our complexions a little worse for wear and in desperate need of TLC. Alas, the time has come to ditch that lacklustre post-Christmas guise and give our skin the extra care it needs this month. Just as you might have heard about a detox for your body, the same sentiment…

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How To Use A Humidifier To Boost Your Skin’s Winter Glow

The cold, dry winter months can destroy your skin, leaving it irritated, cracked, itchy and thirsty for moisture. Sometimes, it seems like no amount of moisturizer or fancy oils can save it. That’s where humidifiers come in. “Humidifiers are a wonderful part of the winter skincare regimen,” Omar Ibrahimi, board-certified dermatologist and director of the Connecticut Skin Institute, told HuffPost via email. “The drop in temperature leads us to turn on our heating systems which often circulate air that is very low in humidity (water content). This tends to make dry and itchy skin a bigger problem…

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This Powerful Vitamin Will Completely Transform Your Skin

There is one addition to my skincare routine that has completely changed the texture, appearance, and overall health of my skin: vitamin C. The hero ingredient is rich in antioxidants, helps collagen production, and improves pigmentation. The best part is that it’s such an easy product to incorporate into your routine. I simply apply Vitamin C Serum in the morning before moisturizer and SPF. My skin is now more radiant and my stubborn acne scars are finally fading. I wanted to know more about how vitamin C can benefit everyone, so enlisted…

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