China Preparing Missile Attacks on US Navy in Guam?

China’s rapid nuclear expansion alarmed the whole world. Last year, they built missile silos in its western desert. Then early this year, they successfully launched their hypersonic missile… the strongest and fastest missile today. It could circle the Earth first before cruising towards its target.

At the same time, the relationship between US and China has become more complicated than ever. We’ve seen how Biden meddled to punish China for abuses in the Xinjiang region. Unfortunately, there’s a big chance that the demo-rat only did it to cover for his mistakes.

This May, reports from USNI News show that China is preparing attacks on the US Navy. Another conflict may arise as the US and China continue to grow apart.

The US Navy Trains for a Possible Fight with China

The US uses a land-based Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense destroyers to defend Guam from missiles. But this approach is becoming less effective against Chinese missiles.

The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are training for a potential conflict with China. Navy commanders led a classified game last year to assess future needs if a conflict erupts. The navy did a simulation to see how they would do in a fight against their new ships and aircraft. They called this the biggest exercise in “a generation.”

Adm. Mike Gilday, the chief of naval operations, said that they would be focusing their defense in the Pacific.

China Preparing Missile Attack on US Navy in Guam?

Satellite photos from Maxar report that China is preparing for possible missile attacks. The images show mock targets in the Taklamakan Desert for large-scale target ranges.

Damien Symon, an independent defense analyst, found a naval base target 190 miles southwest of the desert. He said, “The layout of the targets is very calculated. The orientations, shapes, and sizes are consistent across multiple targets. There is nothing haphazard about these sites. This is a different material from the piers and buildings. “

Then he added, “It may reflect heat or radar differently. This also might indicate the complex systems and effort behind these experiments.”

China has developed two types of ASBMs that can reach the U.S. territory of Guam… 

Moreover, they have spent 20 years developing missiles that can threaten U.S. facilities. Guam is an appealing target to China because it houses a U.S. Navy submarine base and an enormous airbase.

A former instructor at Taiwan’s Naval Academy, Lu Li-Shih, shared his thoughts on this matter. He believes that the mock-up and drill designs suggest the People’s Liberation Army  (PLA) warships “are simulating precision strikes to hit targets in both Guam naval base and Suao military port by its YJ-21 anti-ship missile.”

The good news is that the Pentagon requests $1 billion for the island’s missile defense in the 2023 budget. However, seeing the project through will require congressional oversight and action.

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