CNN Town Hall MAJOR Disappointment

CNN’s heavily promoted Town Hall event with Biden was nothing more than an ‘uncomfortable to watch’ PR event.

Social media has been on fire since the aftermath of this event with users criticizing Biden’s every action and comment.

Bloomberg News Reporter Jennifer Epstein was first to point out the foreshadowing disappointment, with a photo of an almost empty auditorium posted to her Twitter.

This event was just a farce compared to previous successful town halls that have been held, only proving that Biden has no idea what he’s doing. 

If there is one thing he IS good at, it’s pretending that he knows what he’s talking about. Biden uses poor cliches and emotional rhetorical devices to make the words coming out of his mouth sound important and relevant. In reality, he avoids talking about any serious current events or issues and the mainstream media just ignores it. 

With this shameful event, it’s only more clear that CNN has no presence as a media outlet, nor do they have the right to represent politics in an unbiased way. 

NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck also noted that there were eight dems who were allowed to ask questions, while only three Republicans were given the same opportunity.  

Biden shouldn’t be allowed to deliver speeches in public anymore, especially without a script. All he does is embarrass himself and our country by stumbling through his words and barely getting an intelligent point across.  

Grabien Media Founder Tom Elliott pointed out that Biden was “crushing it” sarcastically of course, when he shared a clip of Biden stumbling through his response to vaccinating children.

CNN anchor Don Lemon also made a witty jab at the Biden family. He referred to Biden as “the big guy” during their town hall. 

To those who might not be aware, this is not Lemon trying to fluff Biden’s ego. Instead, he’s referring to a reference from an old leaked email thread that allegedly involves Hunter Biden making a deal with a Chinese energy firm. 

A section of the email states “10 held by H for the big guy?” This reference was later confirmed to be about Biden himself. 

The Hunter Biden controversy has long been brushed under the rug by the mainstream media.

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6 Thoughts to “CNN Town Hall MAJOR Disappointment”

  1. Willie1955

    Obama was one bad ass mistake America, now dementia Joe is a cruel joke on America and the world. Every country is laughing at the gullibility of some Americans plus the voter fraud in the election of the performing monkey known as Joe Biden. All of the countries of the world can see obiden doesn’t have any comprehension that he’s a puppet on a string.

  2. Chainlink700rt

    The issues facing America are not even being approached, much less doing anything about them.
    The only issues that are actually looked at are issues the democratic party has created.
    We have a system that works, and we should let the democrats in on it before they ruin any chances of recovery.

  3. Md

    We the people are doomed. We may not make it out of this nightmare. We have a card board cut out that signs anything the crooks running this woke reality show put in front of him. No telling what they have had him sign at this point. Worst thing in the new ” woke house ” ever in history. At this point we will never recover.

  4. Daniel Lee Rhoads

    Since CHEATER Joe Biden’s White House handlers are really running our American government and reprogramming him every day, “why the HELL are they refusing to tell who this SHADOW GOVERNMENT is today”???? Since we did not elect them, don’t we, the American people, have a right to know who they are ruling us all????????????????????????????????

  5. bernard chope


  6. Dave Webb

    With this President he brought hatred of everything that was right in America ! He is a F.N FOOL HOW COULD HE HAVE WON ANY ELECTION MUCH LESS THE Greatest COUNTRY IN THE WORLD REDUCED TO IMBECILE INCOMPETENT LEADERSHIP

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