Collapse: Another Slip for Biden

No, this isn’t a rerun. 

Just over a week after embarrassingly collapsing on the stairs to Air Force One, Biden’s at it again, slipping as he tried to get into the presidential plane.

This time, even Biden’s most die-hard supporters have to admit there’s something wrong, right?

When Biden tripped, slipped and fell on his way into Air Force One, his defenders said it was the kind of thing that could happen to anyone…

Then it happened again.

Just days ago, Joe Biden tried to climb the stairs into Air Force One, visibly slipping on his way up. 

Sure, this time it wasn’t quite as embarrassing, with Biden managing to catch himself instead of falling. 

But the thing is, the problem isn’t just a one-off fall… it’s the pattern.

How many times has Biden fallen or slipped in the last year? 

At least once on the campaign trail, the time he broke his ankle “chasing his dog”, last week on Air Force One, and another time this week. 

If you think there’s no pattern there, you’re wrong! I know I haven’t fallen over 4 times this year – especially when all I’m doing is climbing stairs.

It’s time to face facts. 

The American people barely see Biden. He’s hidden away most of the time. No public appearances, no press conferences, nothing.

Dems have set that up for a reason:

They know how bad Biden gets whenever he’s exposed to the public. How he flubs every line, can’t even explain his own ideas, can barely even stand.

And despite everything they do to keep him away from the public eye, it’s still obvious how completely broken down Biden is.

Even the liberals have to agree, Biden is just not able to do the things that people in his position need to do. 

We know at least some of his advisors are holding the reigns… it’s just an insult to everyone to pretend that Biden is completely in charge, completely in control, and completely capable. And even worse…

It’s making America a laughing stock. When someone like Vladimir Putin is able to mock Biden just by challenging him to a live debate, it’s a sign that we’re losing our status as a country.

For the good of America, Biden needs to step down… just hope that he doesn’t fall on the way.

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11 Thoughts to “Collapse: Another Slip for Biden”

  1. peter

    Biden destroy USA

  2. DC


    1. Joann Mounts

      You are right Biden is senile he’s not fit to be president he is a job destroying president Impeach him now! Bring back Trump America can’t stand 4 yes. Of this garbage!

  3. Joann Mounts

    Biden stole the election there’s not that many stupid people in America if the supreme court would have done their job we would have got Trump back America is now screwed! God Bless America hes only one we can depend on! Go Trump !!!!!!

    1. Anna marie Eier

      Yes Some how bring back President Trump! Impeach Biden and Harris!

  4. KEN

    TRUMP IN 2024 & X AK. GOV.

  5. Mark Clemente

    Biden is awful!! But, why aren’t Republicans Impeaching him? It’s frustrating watching all his wrongdoings without ANY repercussions!

  6. Denise Rochon

    We all agree on the same thing, Joe’s not fit to run the United States, Kamala needs to go, she won’t even deal with the border, pelosi and Schumer need to retire and move to a socialist Communist country and if they like living there then they can come back and try to change ours until then they should leave us alone!!!!

  7. JB

    Totally agree..we need Trump back at the helm. Bozo Biden and Hyena Harris are destriying the USA inside and out.
    We need to cripple the demoRats that are oull8ng the string of Obama 3 regime

  8. Monibee

    It seems to me there must be something someone can do to save our country. I do believe SCOTUS was threatened by the same groups that are intimidating the rest of us. Forget COVID, we don’t know where it is safe, or not, to travel and visit family or just take a drive. I don’t like being scared, so what can be done? The pure evil that is in control in Washington D.C. needs to be eliminated asap. But how do we get rid of Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer? We need President Trump! He is the only one we can trust. BIG TECH needs to be shut off!

  9. Marilyn

    What happened to Bidens impeachment that was filed? Where are our senators and reps and does anybody have the determination to get rid of the puppet ASAP!

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