Cuomo Demands Free Ride

In barely a week, New York governor Andrew Cuomo has gone from dem icon to pariah, with an ever-growing list of sexual assault accusations, and just about everyone under the sun telling him to resign.

In a shameless act of hypocrisy, Cuomo’s now demanding that he get treatment he denied President Trump… here’s the facts:

When seven people accuse someone of sexual assault, there’s a certain phrase that comes to mind…

“There’s no smoke without fire”.

The accusations against NY governor Andrew Cuomo just keep getting worse and worse practically every single day. When there’s just a couple of people accusing a powerful man, it’s pretty easy to sweep the whole thing under the rug…

But when you start getting closer to 10, it gets a whole lot harder to pretend that there’s nothing bad going on. 

With 7 women now credibly accusing Cuomo of having sexually assaulted them, it’s no surprise that so many are demanding the governor step down. 

Of course, there’s another phrase that Cuomo and his supporters want to make sure you don’t forget…

“Innocent until proven guilty”

Sure, that’s vital to have in any court of law… but politics and the law are two totally separate things… 

You can’t just say “it’s unfair that I wasn’t elected because people thought I sexually assaulted someone”…

And you can’t just demand different treatment when you’re the one in the firing line.

After all, Cuomo’s been right at the front when it comes to accusing Republicans…

Here’s a quote from Cuomo just a few years ago: 

“Here is one basic fact that badly hurts Judge Kavanaugh: Why won’t he take a polygraph?… If he does not take a polygraph test, it is the ultimate ‘he said, she said.’”

So what does that make it when Cuomo won’t even bring up the possibility of taking a lie detector test?

At the very least, it means he’s a shameless hypocrite. 

At the worst, there’s a very good reason he won’t take a polygraph… he knows exactly what it’s going to show.

Time for Cuomo to go!

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