Cuomo Not Charged For Groping His Former Executive Assistant

“Come See The Comeback” campaign / Metropolitan Transportation / Flickr / October 24, 2013 / CC BY 2.0 /

The whole country knows that the scandalous former New York governor Andrew Cuomo was forced to resign in disgrace because of sexual harassment allegations that came to light.

Brittany Commisso – one of the women he harassed – did everything she could to charge the demo-rat for his misconduct. 

She was Cuomo’s executive assistant that accused the demo-rat of groping her chest in the Executive Mansion. However, her complaint was only dismissed…

She shared her thoughts during an interview and told what exactly Cuomo did. Comisso said, “He reached his hand on my breast. He pulled in… and I remember his hand [was] in my blouse.”

Her lawyer Brian Premo gives Comisso his full support. He said, “The only thing she has any power over is her resolution to continue to speak the truth… and seek justice in an appropriate civil action, which she will do.”

In Attorney General Tish James’ report, Cuomo allegedly harassed 11 women. But despite this fact, the demo-rat strongly rejects Comisso’s complaint against him.

“To touch a woman’s breasts, who I hardly know, in the mansion with 10 staff around, with my family in the mansion, to say, ‘I don’t care who sees us.’ I would have to lose my mind to do such a thing,” Cuomo said.

It looks like Cuomo is confident that he can really get away with this because the dems seem to have his back…

The district attorney in Albany County, David Soares, confirmed that he will not pursue a misdemeanor sex crime charge against Cuomo. He believes that the case cannot be proven because it’s beyond a reasonable doubt.

Soares said, “After review of all the available evidence, we have concluded that we cannot meet our burden at trial. As such we have notified the Court that we are declining to prosecute this matter and requesting the charges filed by the Albany County Sheriff be dismissed.”

This January, Judge Holly Trexler dismissed the criminal charges against Cuomo in a hearing. 

“We reviewed all the available evidence in this case. As such, the court grants the joint application by the Albany County District Attorney and defense counsel. The complaint is hereby dismissed,” said Trexler.

The demo-rat was able to get away scot-free after what he did. 

Everything that happened shows how unfair this world can be. 

Justice wasn’t served for Comisso after Cuomo harassed her. That’s called liberal privilege.  

This is what happens when dems investigate their fellow dems…

Associate Professor at Fordham University, Christina Greer, shared her thoughts on why Cuomo was able to get away with this.

She made it clear first that Cuomo is different from an ordinary individual citizen. Greer said, “I think if prosecutors are going to go after someone very powerful, we know that it’s not the same as just going after an individual citizen.”

Then Greer mentioned his connection with Biden. She added, “He still has a lot of friends and a lot of power in various places. Keep in mind at one point, he was very close to Joe Biden the President.”

She continued with Cuomo’s contribution on how he helped Biden, “He was one of the first governors to endorse Joe Biden for the presidency.”

Cuomo doesn’t deserve all this after sexually harassing multiple women. We know that he’s just as twisted as every other liberal out there…

We cannot forget that he deliberately killed thousands of elderly with his ignorance to COVID. 

Cuomo is a lifelong criminal who should be in jail. He may be able to get away from this recent charge of sexual harassment, but there are plenty of other credible charges still pending waiting for the demo-rat.

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