Dems Tap GOP Data for Midterm Elections Campaign

The Republican party is preparing for the upcoming midterm elections. They are doing everything they can to face the challenge with the right foot forward. 

Even though the dems are unfair… the Republicans are still diligently preparing for the midterms.

Snap Allows Democrats to Tap GOP Data

Axios reported that top dem campaigns were provided with the ability to polish their midterm ads unfairly. This was when the social media giant, Snap, granted them access to Republican voter data.

As of now, there is no indication that Snap was aware of the enabled data sharing. However, the slip-up highlights the complexities of handling large batches of voter data. Specifically, those that have become highly sought-after political commodities.

The glitch impacted records maintained by Democrat and GOP data firms. But dem political groups accessed the information … to use to their advantage.

Snap tried making excuses as they talked to Axios about the matter. The social media company said that an internal oversight allowed political opponents to use data from both companies.

A Snap spokesperson told Axios, “Unfortunately, due to an internal mistake, we didn’t follow this usual process… which resulted in these two companies’ services being used by advertisers. It’s impacting a small number of ads.”

The spokesperson added, “We take full responsibility for this mistake. As soon as we became aware of it, we notified the two Democratic and Republican vendors who were equally impacted… and took action to correct the issue. We are also taking steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”

Moreover, the Snap spokesperson emphasized that the advertisers were given access to the voter data… were not given access to user information.

It looks like the demo-rats are up to their old tricks again. There’s a chance that they hacked their way into the GOP computer system. When will the mainstream press stop covering the illegal acts the dems are doing… and start reporting the truth about them?

Anyone using that information unfairly should be removed from any political race.

Republicans Continue to Prepare for Midterms

Fox reported that the Republican National Committee (RNC) claims to have over 70 million voter contacts made this cycle-to date.

The RNC announced their plans to the media outlet recently and they revealed that they raised over $273.6 million in funds.

RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is confident that the conservative party is doing its best… to grab the most seats after the midterms. She said, “The Republican Party is out-raising, out-hustling, and out-working the Democrats. We’re ready to catapult our candidates to victory in one month.” 

McDaniel also emphasized that our country is tired of dem’s leadership. She added, “Families cannot afford this failed Democrat one-party rule. Americans will reject Biden’s reckless spending, crime policies, and border plan. [They will] vote for commonsense over crazy. The RNC is all in on taking back the House and Senate, retiring Speaker Pelosi, ousting Leader Schumer, and ending Biden’s destructive agenda.”

During this final period before the mid-terms… Republicans out-raised the dems by tens of millions.  Chances are the dark money isn’t coming in so good for the liberals this time around. However, Republicans better have supervisors to oversee the vote counting this time.

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