If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you’re probably no stranger to being extra careful when choosing your skin-care products, especially when it comes to moisturizers. While these hydrating formulas are must-haves in every routine, sometimes they create excess oil in and of themselves, which is why using a non-comedogenic moisturizer is key. We spoke to Dr. Michele Farber, MD, of Schweiger Dermatology in NYC about exactly why this is the case.


What Is a Non-Comedogenic Moisturizer?

Dr. Farber defines a non-comedogenic moisturizer as one that will not clog your pores. “In general, this means that it has ingredients that do not cause oil build-up or lead to breakouts,” she says. Non-comedogenic moisturizers generally sit on top of the skin without seeping into your skin’s cracks and crevices.


What Skin Types Will Benefit From Non-Comedogenic Moisturizers?

Any skin type can benefit from a non-comedogenic moisturizer, but because of their lightweight nature, they are particularly good for those of us who are oily or acne prone.


How to Incorporate a Non-Comedogenic Moisturizer Into Your Routine

As far as incorporating these non-comedogenic moisturizers into your routine, look for moisturizers intended for oily skin (they’ll likely say as much on the label), like the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat Moisturizer. Dr. Farber notes that if you have sensitive skin, you should always patch test a new product, even if it’s non-comedogenic.

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