DeSantis Challenges Leftist Mask Mandates

Governor Ron DeSantis (FL) is fighting to release the dem’s strict mask mandates. He’s been engaged in a war of words over the last few weeks with the Biden Administration over mask mandates.

DeSantis has signed an executive order to lessen the twisted dem’s mask restrictions. He wants the parents to decide whether they want their kids to wear masks or not.

Besides, parents can freely let their children wear masks even “without” the lousy mask mandates. The dems are only “telling us” to wear masks to show that they’re in control…

The governor shared his thoughts on Biden’s incompetence in a press conference this August.

He added, “This is a guy who ran for office saying he’s going to shut down the virus. And what has he done? He’s imported more virus from around the world by having a wide-open southern border.”

These strong words from DeSantis received a lot of support all over Twitter.

DeSantis also mentioned in an interview that he’s “on the way” to block interference from the federal government.

The governor is saying out loud what we have all been screaming in our heads. He’s also correct in calling out Biden’s non-action with the border crisis. DeSantis is a real American patriot with the courage and strength to do the right thing for the people of the country.

He trusts us to make good decisions for ourselves… without government interference, edicts, or mandates. Similarly, we should be able to trust our government elected officials to stand up for us.

However, despite DeSantis’ efforts to put a stop to this irrelevant mask mandate… Biden only responded to the governor’s cause with disrespect.

Biden was interviewed at a press conference outside the White House where they asked, “DeSantis, he’s saying, ‘I am in the way to block too much interference from the federal government.’ Your response, Mr. President?”

Biden, pretending he doesn’t know DeSantis, replied with a short mocking answer, “Governor who?”

He smiled sarcastically and the press laughed with him. But in reality, Biden is threatened and playing tough…

Governor DeSantis also warned school superintendents and board members who attempted to defy his executive order prohibiting mask mandates that they may not be paid their salaries.

De Santis said, “With respect to enforcing any financial consequences for non-compliance of state law regarding these rules and ultimately the rights of parents to make decisions about their children’s education and health care decisions, it would be the goal of the State Board of Education to narrowly tailor any financial consequences to the offense committed,” 

Then he added, “For example, the State Board of Education could move to withhold the salary of the district superintendent or school board members, as a narrowly tailored means to address the decision-makers who led to the violation of the law.”

It’s a great move to counter the twisted dems who are making decisions in some schools…

We won’t expect DeSantis’ battle against Biden’s mask mandates to be easy. There may be hurdles along the way. But one thing is for sure… our patriots are here to support him.

Governor DeSantis is a true leader our country deserves. He has the perfect demeanor, common sense, and American values that we need. Perhaps he has what it takes to carry the torch of President Trump and our past Republican leaders in the coming years…

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4 Thoughts to “DeSantis Challenges Leftist Mask Mandates”

  1. Nancy

    God Bless Governor DeSantis. A true leader.

  2. Hal Lemoyne

    🥰💥👍CHRISTrumpOwensDeSantis and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020-2036 Reelected Landslide
    Amen & Amen👍❤️🥰

  3. Sherry Chase

    Mask kill also! Need to breath out co2 ++++ out of the lungs. No to mask…. And No to vaccinate…..

  4. Helen

    Impeach Joe Biden NOW. Ask Donald J. Trump to be our president and move back in the White House or whatever he thinks best. MAGA

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