DeSantis Continues to Earn our Patriot’s Respect

Ron DeSantis / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / July 18, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Governor Ron DeSantis is one of the most competent leaders in the history of Florida. We’ve seen how he: 

America needs a firm leader who works for the people, not for themselves. DeSantis is one of these rare leaders, despite our rotten administration.

DeSantis Slams Biden During CPAC

The governor continues to use his voice to tell America how twisted the liberals can be. During the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), DeSantis was given a chance to share his thoughts.

DeSantis believes that America deserves leaders who can remain firm to their values, whatever happens. He said, “Florida led when it counted. We led early on when the world’s weight was bearing down on our shoulders. We understand what it means to be a leader. Not just be a politician who twists in the wind but also be willing to make tough decisions.”

Then he told everyone that he remained firm despite the administration’s hate toward his ideals. “I can tell you there’s one fellow that just hates Florida, and his name is Joe Biden. He’s always criticizing us. He sniffs storm victims of relief just because he doesn’t like the governor. He doesn’t like Florida, and he doesn’t like me… because we stand up to him.”

At several points in his speech, DeSantis received standing ovations. Our patriots felt the governor’s firmness and sincerity at that moment.

DeSantis Exposes Woke CEO of Disney

DeSantis continues to expose woke leaders who can destroy children’s core values. This March, the governor slams the liberal-minded Disney CEO, Bob Chapek, for criticizing the Parental Rights in the Education Bill that our patriots are fighting for.

The Parental Rights in the Education Bill ban schools from giving classroom instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” from kindergarten to third grade. The Senate passed the bill this March.

DeSantis shared his thoughts during a press conference in Tallahassee. The governor said, “We in Florida showed a commitment to education, not to indoctrination, and I want to thank the Florida legislature for doing that.”

Then he shared his belief as a parent. DeSantis added, “As the parent of three kids that are aged five and under, thank you for letting me and my wife be able to send our kids to kindergarten without them being sexualized.”

But it seems that the Disney CEO has the same belief as the dems… that this bill is anti-LGBTQ. Chapek said, “If the legislation becomes law, it could be used to unfairly target gay, lesbian, nonbinary, and transgender kids and families.”

Governor DeSantis may be criticized by the dems, woke CEOs, and liberal media for doing what’s right, but that won’t stop our patriots from believing in the firmness of DeSantis as a leader. America deserves him more than ever…

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