DeSantis Takes Stand on Education Issues

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is building a reputation for his education policies. It has gained him support among Republicans and other conservative news outlets. 

He has taken a firm stance against issues like: 

  • Critical race theory
  • LGBTQ education

Right now, he is positioning himself as a cultural warrior in the Republican Party.

DeSantis Built a Conservative Following on Education

DeSantis’s handling of schools during the Covid-19 pandemic has been a significant part of his educational policies. He ordered Florida schools to reopen in the fall of 2020… despite medical advice and allowed virtual learning as an option. 

Moreover, he argued that keeping schools closed was a significant public health mistake… which led to a legal battle with one of Florida’s most prominent teachers’ unions.

DeSantis signed an executive order in 2021 for schools not to require students to wear masks in class. It’s contrary to the CDC’s recommendations.

Moreover, the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation is a controversial policy that DeSantis signed into law in 2022. It prohibits teaching gender identity and sexual orientation to primary school children. At the same time, it limits instruction to “age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate” levels.

DeSantis also signed the Stop WOKE Act to prohibit Florida schools from teaching about historical topics… in ways that make individuals feel responsible for past wrongs… based on race, sex, or national origin. The law has faced opposition from students and faculty. Specifically, those who believe it is vague and confusing for instruction.

Dems and Media Despised DeSants on Education

Moreover, the liberal media is unfairly targeting DeSantis. The left kept an eye on the Florida governor after he scored a big win by persuading the College Board… to adjust their proposed curriculum on African American Studies. 

The media accuses DeSantis of being a “white nationalist.” This is because he dared to challenge the left’s approach to minority studies. 

His approach seeks to include contemporary propaganda, activism, and boosterism for Black Lives Matter… which is highly ideological and seeks to brainwash high-school kids.

Republicans are not opposed to teaching the tough parts of American history, like slavery or segregation, as the media claims. Instead, they are opposed to including contemporary propaganda and radical activism in a history course. However, the media deliberately mischaracterizes their position… as wanting to hide the tough parts of history.

The liberal media quickly demonizes Republicans, categorizing them as “white nationalists” or “white supremacists.” This is not a fair way to engage in political discourse. 

It is time for the media to stop playing the “Racist card.” The left should have a fair and honest debate… about the ideological approach to minority studies in education.

Despite the media’s efforts to paint DeSantis as outside the mainstream… his recent re-election with 59 percent of the vote suggests otherwise.

We must engage in honest and respectful dialogue about education and other important issues. The left should avoid resorting to name-calling just like as they’re doing now to DeSantis.

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