Energy Prices are Going Up. What Can Biden Do?

Gas price in Davis, California / Photo By: Bev Sykes / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

Biden’s bipartisan bill is a train wreck! Now we have inflation affecting the country at a rate we haven’t seen since 1990. Energy costs are the most affected in the economy… and Biden is at fault for letting it happen.

He announced that the Department of Energy would release 50 million barrels of reserve oil, in an effort to control the surging gas prices across the country. China, India, Japan, Korea, and the UK will also tap their reserves to drive down prices.

In a statement, the White House said, “The President stands ready to take additional action. We’re prepared to use its full authorities working in coordination with the rest of the world… to maintain adequate supply as we exit the pandemic.”

However, Ranking Member on the Senate Energy Committee Sen. John Barrasso – said that Biden’s decision to tap into the US reserves wouldn’t help.

“President Biden’s policies are hiking inflation and energy prices for the American people. Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve will not fix the problem.”

Unfortunately, Biden’s effort is too little with today’s high inflation rate. It’s a little too late.

The dems know how to lower oil prices. They refuse to do it because… it would mean admitting that President Trump was right about inflation.

The senator’s comments after the White House announced that the Department of Energy would release 50 million barrels of oil reserves…

The American Petroleum Institute’s CEO Mike Sommers says that the Biden administration’s policies are a key factor in surging energy prices.

He said, “There are a lot of factors at play as to why energy prices are surging. One of the key factors is the Biden administration made an effort to reduce production in the United States. 

He also mentioned several “acts” from the administration that led to the surge of energy prices:

  • Cutting off the Keystone XL Pipeline 
  • Cutting off, leasing, and permitting on federal lands
  • Cutting off access to Anwar in Alaska

Then he added, “There are a lot of things that are leading to this. But we currently have an administration that does not seem to want production in the United States to continue.” 

Senator Tom Cotton also shared his thoughts about the inflation we have today. He emphasized no one expected our inflation rate to be this absurd. Cotton said, “The inflation is shocking. The report even shocked those who predict high inflation rates.”

Then he added, “I understand that a bunch of limousine liberals living in New York or Washington… may not worry about these things. But for working-class Americans… having to pay an extra dollar for your gas. It’s making the budgets tougher to meet ends together at the end of the month.”

Sommers and Cotton’s remarks are more than enough to understand the bigger picture in the price hike and inflation we’re experiencing today…

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Tuesday also shared her thoughts on the situation. She said, “As we come out of an unprecedented global economic shutdown… oil supply has not kept up with demand, forcing working families and businesses to pay the price.”

But here’s what’s really happening… Working families are paying the price! Demand did not change. Supply was diminished as the dems shut down US production and increased the costs of transporting oil. And we know whose fault that is.

When we were energy independent, the border was under control. There were low gas prices, no inflation, low unemployment, low food prices, and no empty shelves. But all of that changed when Biden took over. 

This demo-rat is ruining our country. He should be replaced by someone who can make America great again.

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2 Thoughts to “Energy Prices are Going Up. What Can Biden Do?”

  1. Laura E Roddenberry


  2. Roy Westberg

    I totzlly agree with you about gas prices . And inflation. Bidens polices are at fault. He has gone so far left he might as well be one of the squad. He is pushing electric cars and a charging network everywhere. All part of the new green deal. Thats why he shut down production of oil..when everyone has an electric car ‘god forbid’ the electrical infrastructure will fail from everyone charging there cars at home. I can see no good happening with the democrats in power.. hopefully next years election with clean out some of the swamp. Then Biden cannot do any more harm. If not God help us

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