Facebook Works For The Government

White House Press secretary Jenn Psaki made a bold move when she revealed that the Biden Administration is working with Facebook to flag and remove “problematic” posts that “spread disinformation” about COVID.

She said, “We are in regular touch with the social media platforms and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff and also members of our COVID team – given, as Dr. Murthy conveyed, this is a big issue, of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic.”

Not only is this a major violation of free speech, but the White House was so quick to openly admit it… and to make matters worse, the mainstream media thinks they are doing good. 

Psaki’s comments received fierce pushback from the online community, calling this an infringement on our first amendment rights of free speech.  

The left is using the pandemic as an excuse to monitor and control the media in an Orwellian style; who knows what else they are looking at. Social media might be a public affair, but our right to speak freely should remain untouched. 

Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich was quick to point out that the White House is “against freedom” in a Twitter post where she reminds everyone Facebook was flagging posts related to the lab leak theory.

This major first amendment violation hasn’t gone unnoticed by Senators in congress either. Sen. Mike Lee called out the White House, saying “The government can’t censor speech. The First Amendment makes that clear. Private, for-profit corporations can make their own decisions but when they do it with collusion in government it looks to me a lot like a First Amendment violation.”

Big Tech censorship is a major first amendment violation when the government gets involved. They are abusing their power to control the media and only have the information that benefits the left out there… 

Over the last few months, Big Tech has been busy taking down posts including news related to the scandalous Hunter Biden, or anything else that would dare tarnish the reputation of the dems… 

It’s become too obvious that these social media giants are censoring content that’s associated with the right, while giving the left freedom to post and say what they want, when they want.  

The support of the dems isn’t doing anything to help this problem either… Not only do they have control over what Big Tech is censoring, but they now have the freedom to push their own socialist agenda on social media without any consequences.  

And if anything surfaces that puts the dems in a bad light, they can have it removed by Big Tech… 

Our freedom of speech is apparently no longer an inherent right, but one that the dems have decided to hand out exclusively to their following, while leaving the rest of us Americans in the dust.

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17 Thoughts to “Facebook Works For The Government”

  1. ted cheeseman

    facebook has censored me over other post as well they are really affraid of the truthi pray everyday that justice will be served and that they will be proscuted to full extent of the law and that they will be brokenup their assets confincated and made bank rupt and forbiden to have anything to do with computers ever again

  2. Wyatt Earp

    We have the most dangerous people sitting in Washington DC as of today. Now if you have a Facebook account shut it down! There other way to communicate with family and friends! If they are people like like you who care about your freedom and liberty. Zuckerberg is married to a Chinese leader daughter. That is all the information you need to shut down FACEBOOK! He get his money from these people in exchange for his help in knowing everything about you!

  3. Aniruddha Ideaki

    Macdonalds! Too late for them! They are doomed! Whatever they say https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-wild-foot-traffic-in-q1-2016-5?IR=T

    The Godfather

    Too late for the idiots and the rest of them. They fired first! too bad for them :-((

  4. RJ

    There’s only one way to say it Civil War 2.7 million of us are ready to go your best keep that in mind Democrats and the rest you communist bastards your best keep it in mind we’re ready and it’s coming you asked for a fight and you continue to ask for a fight it’s time for us to throw down and let’s do this

  5. Aniruddha Ideaki

    Nothing is free in this world!
    Look at this one
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY1S34973zA 🙂

  6. Thmas

    Little Jew, Obamy PIMP is using his platform to censor public opinion especially bialy conservative comments.

  7. Terry

    And my friends wonder WHY I left that garbage site.

  8. LE PELTIER Philippe

    France had its rats too! Look at this one:




  10. Daniel

    F Facebook and the Horse Sucgerberg Came in on

  11. Former Marine

    Facebook ?? I heard that they are losing 10 million a month in revenue. That makes it an arm of the government if still in use , correct ? . Then just shut it down if it is true by not using any part of it .

  12. Audrey Jane Spaulding


  13. russell remmert

    facebook, is the eneny within

  14. Bernard Scanlon

    I’m one of those people singled out for being so note worthy as to point out the fact that if this COVID-19 pandemic is so bad as the government claims, then why did they open the boarder and allow thousands of untested people into the country. Or if I should come to the defense of the only man who has stepped up to defend freedom, l get silenced for that as well. This is not the America I grew up in. LET FREEDOM RING! 🇺🇸

  15. Pam

    PSAKI is a liar and the Mainstream and Social Media have always hidden the truth from Americans we know they are hypocrites, liars and do what ever this shitty government says

  16. Lois

    TRUMP in 2024 – wish it could be tomorrow!

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