Finland Ready to Fight Russia if Attacked

Finland is one of the most progressive countries in Europe. A few weeks ago, they decided to join the NATO alliance. The country has also started securing its 830-mile border with Russia.

This union is expected to redraw Europe’s security map. Finland has been modernizing their armed forces… and is upgrading its equipment. They’ve purchased dozens of high-end F-35 warplanes. The country had also hit NATO’s defense spending guideline of 2% gross domestic product.

Moreover, Finland saw joining NATO as a way to guarantee its safety from the Russian invasion. By securing military support… they would be able to defend with greater chances of success.

Finland to Secure Border With Russia

Finnish lawmakers amended to allow for the construction of barriers along the eastern border. This is to prevent Russia from easily invading. 

Finland’s minister of internal affairs, Krista Mikkonen, shared her thoughts on this matter. She said, “Later on, the government will decide on border barriers… to the critical zones on the eastern border. [This is] based on the Finnish Border Guard’s assessment.”

Finland is concerned that Russia may flood the country with asylum seekers. Migrants can apply for asylum at any given entry into an EU member state.

Russia has responded negatively to Finland’s NATO application. The reason why is because it would expand Russia’s border with NATO by hundreds of miles. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated, “Russia will be forced to take retaliatory steps. Both of a military-technical and other nature… to stop threats to its national security arising.”

Finland has made the right choice to secure itself by adequately managing its borders.

Finland Prepared for Russian Attacks

Finnish General Timo Kivinen said that Finland has prepared for a Russian attack. They would put up stiff resistance if one occurred. 

Finland fought two wars in the 1940s against its eastern neighbor… with which it shares an 830-mile border. In the past, around 100,000 Finns were killed during the two wars. Finland fought against the Soviet Union, losing a tenth of its territory. Since WWII, the country has kept up a high level of military preparedness to keep this from happening.

Finns would be ready to fight since the Nordic country has built up a substantial amount of arsenal. Kivinen said, “The most important line of defense is between one’s ears, as the war in Ukraine proves at the moment.”

Kivinen also made it clear that Finns are prepared to defend against Russia. He said, “We have systematically developed our military defense precisely for this type of warfare… that is being waged there [in Ukraine], with massive use of firepower, armored forces, and air forces. Ukraine has been a tough bite to chew [for Russia], and so would be Finland.“

Then he added, “Finland will still bear the main responsibility for Finland’s defense.”

Right now, Finland is ready for any situation with Russia. Let’s just hope this won’t result in any bloodshed, just like what’s happening with Ukraine.

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