GOP Claims COVID Funds Used for Left-Wing Agendas in Schools

The House GOP is looking into reports that COVID-19 education funds were used for things other than helping schools with the pandemic… 

They want to find out how the money was used appropriately…

House GOP Probe into Use of Covid-19 Education Funds

The House GOP has investigated how COVID-19 education funds were being used. The probe comes after allegations… that the funds were being used for purposes other than intended. The funds were meant to help schools deal with the impact of the pandemic on education. 

However, there have been reports of the funds being used for non-education purposes. The investigation will focus on using funds provided by the following: 

  • Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

These acts were passed in 2020 and 2021… to provide economic relief to individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic. The probe will examine: 

  • How the funds were distributed
  • How they were used
  • Whether they were used in accordance with the law

Moreover, the House GOP clarifies that they will do their best to gather information. They will: 

  • Hold hearings 
  • Request documents from the Department of Education and other federal agencies

Meanwhile, Democrats accused the House GOP of playing politics with the pandemic. They have argued that the funds were used appropriately… and that the investigation attempts to distract from other issues. The investigation is expected to be a contentious issue between the two parties in the coming weeks…

House GOP Lawmakers Believe COVID Educational Funds are Used for Radical, Left-Wing Agendas in Schools

Republican House of Representatives lawmakers also claim that COVID education funds are being used… to further radical left-wing agendas in schools. The lawmakers say that the funds intended to help schools deal with the impact of the pandemic on education are being misused for political purposes…

The claims were made during a House Education and Labor Committee hearing. GOP lawmakers accused the Biden administration of using the funds… to promote critical race theory and other left-wing ideas in schools. They argued that this was a misuse of taxpayer money… and an infringement on the rights of parents and students.

The GOP lawmakers pointed to specific examples of schools… that have used the funds to promote left-wing agendas. They also criticized the Department of Education for issuing guidance that they say encourages the promotion of critical race theory and other controversial ideas in schools…

Democrats on the committee pushed back against the claims, arguing that the funds were being used properly. They also accused the GOP of stifling conversations… about systemic racism and other important educational issues.

The controversy over COVID education funds will likely continue to be a contentious issue between the two parties in the coming weeks and months…

Republican lawmakers have vowed to continue to push for investigations and hearings. This would ensure that the funds are being used appropriately and that schools are not promoting political agendas.

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  1. […] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the White House are loosening restrictions on COVID-19 […]

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