Harris Continues to Disappoint America

Harris reveals the party’s plans for 2023. This could mean a power grab that we aren’t ready for.

Regardless of how people feel about Biden, this news has put the nation on edge. It threatens our sacred ideals: our commitment to liberty and justice. 

Will these proposed actions help us in 2023? Conservatives can only look on as this new agenda becomes clearer and clearer… 

Harris Reveals Biden’s Plans for 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris revealed the Biden administration’s top priorities for 2023: 

  • Lowering inflation
  • Creating more jobs
  • Restoring the economy

However, let’s not forget that the dems are the ones who caused all these…

Harris Tweetted she has “never been more optimistic about our future.”

“I’ve never been more optimistic about our future. Today, standing with [President Joe Biden] and other members of the Cabinet. We discussed our plan for 2023. Together we will deliver on lowering inflation, creating more jobs, and building an economy that works for everyone,” she wrote.

How will they create more jobs?  How will they reduce inflation?  How will they do anything… when their policies and bills do nothing but spend trillions of dollars they do not have.

Moreover, despite facing backlash over her official duties, such as not visiting the U.S.-Mexico border or giving bewildered responses to Supreme Court decisions… Harris is still optimistic about 2023 and beyond.

Harris shared her thoughts in an interview with Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart. The demo-rat said, “There are things that I’ve done as vice president that fully demonstrate the strength of my leadership as vice president… that have not received the kind of coverage that I think [the] Dobbs [decision] did receive.”

Despite all the bragging from Harris, here’s the real situation, according to Fox:

  • Inflation currently sits at 7.1%, while prices are up 13.8%
  • Average family income has decreased by $5,800 since day one of this administration
  • 75% of people are dissatisfied with how things are going in America today

Harris Can’t Carry Herself During Press Releases

Twitter users also mocked Harris for repeating several redundant statements during her appearance… at the University of Michigan to discuss the climate crisis.

Harris’ statements included love for Venn diagrams, excitement about electric school buses, an oversimplification of Caribbean islands, and a description of Ukraine’s war with Russia as “wrong.”

The vice president repeated her love for Venn diagrams. 

“I love Venn diagrams. I do. I love Venn diagrams. So, the three circles — and you can do more! Nobody says a Venn diagram has only to be three circles, right?” Harris said. 

She has been frequently ridiculed since taking on her role as vice president. All because of awkward public interactions and repeated word salads.

Moreover, Harris often stuck to the script… and avoided missteps since taking office two years ago.
Allies of the Vice President pointed out that as a woman… she faces a double standard when displaying her more personal side… without being scrutinized or mocked. So until now, whenever Harris messes up on something, she makes excuses to get away with her mistakes.

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One Thought to “Harris Continues to Disappoint America”

  1. […] Kamala Harris claimed that the Biden administration reduced electricity bills for working families. However, energy experts and business owners have criticized her comments.  […]

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